Washington, 9 June 2023 (TDI): The U.S.-supported Sudan Conflict Observatory remote monitoring platform proudly announces the commencement of public reports highlighting violations of international humanitarian law and other abuses.

The day marked a crucial step forward in ending the devastating cycle of violence afflicting the people of Sudan.

As the United States, in partnership with international allies, intensifies diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the conflict in Sudan, facilitate humanitarian assistance, and support the Sudanese people’s aspirations for a civilian government, closely monitor the activities of the warring parties.

Through the utilization of commercial satellite imagery and open-source data analysis, monitoring efforts have documented multiple serious violations by both sides, breaching their obligations under the May 11 Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan and subsequent ceasefires.

The U.S. Department of State announces that selected findings from this monitoring initiative will be released publicly via the Sudan Conflict Observatory platform.

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This remote monitoring platform provides independent and expert reporting on conflict activities in Sudan, including infrastructure damage caused by combatants, military equipment movements, and rapid population shifts.

Additional reports will be periodically published through the Sudan.ConflictObservatory.org website. This collaborative effort involves renowned geographic information systems companies Esri and PlanetScape Ai, as well as Yale University’s Humanitarian Research Lab.

The Sudan Conflict Observatory platform reflects the United States’ commitment to transparency.

USA works alongside its partners to bring an end to the military conflict in Sudan, address human rights violations and abuses, and ensure immediate, safe, and unimpeded humanitarian access to organizations providing life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable populations and those displaced by the fighting.

The United States steadfastly supports the democratic aspirations of the Sudanese people and their unwavering demands for freedom, peace, and justice.