Pretoria, 3 October 2022 (TDI): Long-Term Joint Research and Innovation Partnership (LEAP-RE) on Renewable Energy between the European Union and the African Union is organizing its first-ever Stakeholder Forum. The event is scheduled from 3rd to 6th October 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa.
About the Forum
The First Forum will be held both physically and virtually and it aims at building, animating, and networking the LEAP-RE community. The event offers an opportunity for knowledge sharing, and a space for meetings and exchanging ideas.
In particular, the forum provides an opportunity for organizing a high-level meeting on renewable energy. It also convenes the members of the LEAP-RE Scientific and Ethical advisory boards.
The LEAP-RE’s forum aims at creating and expanding an international multi-stakeholder community dealing with renewable energy, science-based policymaking, funding and research, innovation, and monitoring.
It hosts the kick-off of the 13 projects selected for funding by LEAP-RE and presents the first results from the projects developed within LEAP-RE.
Moreover, its objectives are also to identify, design, and implement the services and functions of LEAP-RE and to foster collaboration between similar initiatives.
In addition, the event provides dedicated services to participants. It also initiates the co-development of a long-term AU-EU platform for multilateral AU-EU cooperation through workshops and other activities.
LEAP-RE is a Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy (PRE-LEAP-RE) project. It has also established the organizational and funding principles for the implementation of an African and European (AU-EU) Joint Program.
The LEAP-RE program seeks to create a long-term partnership between African and European stakeholders from 2020-25. It brings together national funding agencies and other key EU-AU actors involved in RE research.
LEAP-RE will strengthen local research by Europe-Africa collaboration, while also creating the environment for research to be transformed into practical innovation. LEAP-RE activities will be customized to unique societal requirements while taking into account regional disparities in funding, infrastructure, and social and environmental difficulties.
Also read: EU-AU 2022 Joint Summit