Nur-Sultan, 7 September 2022 (TDI): The President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, sent a congratulatory telegram to Liz Truss on becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (UK).

The President of Kazakhstan congratulated the newly elected Prime Minister of the UK on behalf of the people of Kazakhstan and on his own behalf.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev expressed confidence that Great Britain will continue its steadfast progress towards building a yet more prosperous and resilient society during Liz Truss’s term in office.

He wrote, “Kazakhstan highly appreciates its long-standing strategic partnership with the UK that rests on strong bonds of friendship, shared values, and priorities.”

“In this vein, please rest assured of my readiness to work closely with you to elevate the Kazakh-British multifaceted cooperation further and coordinate our approaches on the pressing global issues.” Kassym-Jomart Tokayev added.

Bilateral relations between Kazakhstan and UK

The diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom were established on 19 January 1992.

The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the UK was opened in February 1996. The Embassy represents the interests of Kazakhstan in the UK and operates within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan.

The UK and Kazakhstan have been actively cooperating within international organizations, including the time period during Kazakhstan’s non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council in 2017-2018.

Moreover, the Embassy of Kazakhstan in London hosted a special thematic briefing on the outcomes of Kazakhstan’s membership in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in January 2019. The event marked the country’s successful cooperation with the UK within the UNSC.

Both countries actively cooperate in developing Kazakhstan’s peacekeeping potential and praise our efforts to promote regional cooperation between Afghanistan and Central Asia.