Addis Ababa, 26 July 2022 (TDI): A high-level seminar meeting was held regarding the transition and mandating of Peace Support Operations (PSOs) in Africa.

The U.N Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, Hanna Tetteh, was also one of the panelists of the session.

She explained that in Africa among the United Nations and African Union, the authorization of PSOs transition and mandating effective collaboration is very significant.

For cooperation among both organizations, she laid great emphasis on mechanisms strengthening and institutionalization.

Highlights from the Seminar

Ahmed Abdel Latif, the Executive and Director General of Cairo Peace Keep was also a part of this session. He greatly emphasized the significance of innovation in institutions. He also underscored the requirement of considering peacebuilding as well as the value of creating benchmarks for future references.

The European Union to African Union Representative Patrick Dupont highlighted various important concepts like the requirement of strong leadership for the PSO transition.

He has highlighted the need for transparency of transition objectives among the stakeholders. Lastly, he added on ensuring that there is resilience in difficult circumstances.

The African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security Bankole Adeoye brought the panel’s attention to the risks. He said that inaccurate presumption may lead to challenges of economic sort that may distort attention from real issues.

Way forward

The panellists concluded the seminar by mentioning how important such platforms are to deal with such concerns. They highlighted that they bring together stakeholders from different backgrounds to promote peace and peaceful solutions.

This session holds great significance because it draws particular attention to various key elements that continuously limit the progress of implementing better political and peaceful mandates while assessing the underlying causes of such problems.


Peace Support Operations