Islamabad, 22 March 2022 (TDI): The Palestinian Foreign Minister, Dr. Riyadh Al-Maliki, addressed the 48th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC at the Parliament House in Islamabad on Tuesday. The theme of the 48th CFM is Building Partnerships for Unity, Justice, and Development.
Al-Maliki began his address by expressing gratitude to Pakistan for hosting the 48th session of the CFMs of the OIC Member States, applauding the efforts by the country to ensure the session’s success.
He then talked about the influence of international conflicts on global stability, as well as the rise in challenges to the multilateral global system based on international law.
He emphasized the need for international cooperation in confronting contemporary issues and establishing global justice and security. In this regard, Al-Maliki stressed the importance of taking collective action by activating the multilateral system with all of its relevant capabilities.
Criticizing the policies of “double standards” of the international community:
Minister Al-Maliki criticized some countries’ “double standards” policy, as well as the resulting application of international law rules to some countries and the granting of immunity to other countries from being held accountable for their violations of international laws and norms. He said that the Palestinians suffered from injustice and frustration resulting from these double-standard policies.
Briefing on the situation on the ground in Palestine:
Furthermore, the Minister updated his counterparts on the latest situation on the ground in the State of Palestine, particularly what the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif is facing as a result of Israel’s apartheid policies and illegal practices in violation of all international resolutions and laws in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif. It entailed the forcible deportation of Palestinians, the city’s original inhabitants, the demolition of homes, the construction of settlements, and the construction of a wall to isolate them from their Palestinian surroundings. It also included the practice of preventing Christian and Muslim worshipers from accessing their places of worship, with the goal of Judaizing the holy city, changing its character, legal status, historical landmarks, Arab and Islamic identity, and changing its demographic composition.
What Israel is doing, according to Al-Maliki, is aimed at eradicating the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem, which would surely lead to a religious war with grave ramifications for regional and world peace and security.
Urging the members to exert pressure on Israel:
He urged all OIC member states to exert pressure on Israel, the occupying power, in order to hold it accountable for the systemic crimes it conducts in Palestine. He also urged all member states to work to implement all previous decisions made by previous summits and meetings, as well as to exert pressure and work to implement all decisions made by various international forums, particularly the Security Council, the United Nations General Assembly, the Human Rights Council, and the International Court of Justice, so that the Palestinian people are able to fulfill their rightful claims, which is guaranteed by international law and its prescriptive standards.
Finally, Minister Al-Maliki expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all countries that support the Palestinian people in their quest to achieve their legitimate demands and rights, the most important of which is their right to independence, self-determination, and the return of refugees, emphasizing that the protection of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, which includes the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, falls on the shoulders of the entire Islamic world.
The 48th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is being held in Islamabad, Pakistan will last for two days from March 22 to 23, 2022.
Aiman Iqbal is the Managing Editor at the Journal of Peace and Diplomacy published by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS), and the Assistant Editor of The Diplomatic Insight magazine. She holds an MPhil in International Relations. She can be reached at