Islamabad, 22 November 2021 (TDI): Yesterday, the Foreign Secretary (FS) of Pakistan, Sohail Mahmood, met Cambodia’s non-resident ambassador Ung Sean. During this diplomatic interaction, both discussed the future of bilateral ties between Pakistan and Cambodia.


The meeting was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan. Foreign Secretary Mahmood is the 30th Foreign Secretary of Pakistan. He expressed to the Cambodian envoy his hopes for the further development of Pakistan-Cambodia relations during his tenure. Moreover, he also articulated his desire to take greater actions in the strengthening of these ties in all areas and dimensions. These dimensions may include the sectors of the economy, education, culture, trade, among others.


Currently, Pakistan has an embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, which opened in 2005. On the other side, Cambodia does not have an embassy in Pakistan. Therefore, there is a need for greater diplomacy between both nations.

Additionally, during this exchange, FS Sohail Mahmood also intimated his resolve to deepen collaboration with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) under the Cambodian Chair.

Both countries reaffirmed their willingness to strengthen trade and investment ties, and to explore the potential within the markets, to boost economic growth.


Earlier in the day, Ambassador Ung Sean also met with Arif Alvi, the President of Pakistan in his residence and workplace—Aiwan-e-Sadar—which is also located in Islamabad.

Sean (right) presenting credentials to President Arif Alvi (left)

Here, Sean presented his credentials to the Pakistani President in an official ceremony held for newly-appointed envoys. Others present at this meeting include envoys from Japan (Mitsuhiro Wada), Norway (Per Albert Ilsaas), and Poland (Maciej Pisarski).

Alvi expressed his congratulations to these new representatives and hoped that they would contribute towards building political, cultural, economic, and diplomatic ties with Pakistan.