Kabul, 25 March 2022 (TDI): The Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan, Mansoor Ahmad Khan met a delegation from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The delegation consisted of delegates from some health and social services institutes of Pakistan.

The meeting took place between Mansoor Ahmad Khan and the delegation in the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, that is Kabul. The delegation consisted of delegates from Pakistan National Heart Association abbreviated as PANAH, U Health International Hospital, Akhuwat, and Rukhsana Nadeem Eye Trust.

These entities’ representatives are visiting the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for the provision of services in the medical and health sector.

Afghanistan and Instability

Afghanistan is undergoing an unstable phase. The current humanitarian crisis and the consequences of war still remain there. As a result, the country needs assistance in multiple sectors and domains, so as to revive and gain stability.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan stands by its neighbor during these times. Pakistan has time after called on the international community to assist Afghanistan and not abandon it in such times.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan himself raised his voice on multiple national and international forums. Not only that but Pakistan also hosted an Extraordinary Session of the OIC CFM  on “Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan” and came up with some concrete solutions.

Some examples of solutions were establishing the humanitarian trust fund, launching the Afghanistan food security program, etc.

Furthermore, on March 22-23, Pakistan hosted the 48th Session of the OIC CFM in Islamabad. This time again Pakistan stressed the war-torn situation of Afghanistan and the need to help the country to come out of the crisis.

Moreover, for the same purposes of providing relief Pakistan’s Health Delegation is in Afghanistan these days to help its brother combat the negative effects of war.
