Islamabad, 21 March 2022 (TDI): Prime Minister Imran Khan received the Foreign Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Sameh Hassan Shoukry. Foreign Minister Shoukry is visiting Pakistan for bilateral engagements and participation in the 48th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), being held in Islamabad on 22-23 March 2022.

The Prime Minister discussed various issues of mutual interest with Foreign Minister Shoukry. The Prime Minister noted the historic and deep-rooted fraternal ties between Pakistan and Egypt. Shoukry delivered a letter from the Egyptian President to the Prime Minister during the meeting.

Expressing satisfaction at the close cooperation between the two brotherly countries, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of building upon the solid foundation to further expand the bilateral political relationship into economic and commercial domains.


The Prime Minister fondly recalled his meetings and interactions with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi; underscoring the convergence of views between Pakistan and Egypt on a wide range of regional and international issues. He added that there was a great scope and potential for enhancing mutually beneficial engagement between the two countries.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also exchanged views with Foreign Minister Shoukry on different regional and global issues as well as the matters of the Islamic Ummah.

He highlighted the egregious human rights violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the threat posed to regional security by India’s irresponsible actions.

The Prime Minister lauded the unanimous adoption of landmark resolution by the UNGA on declaring 15 March as the ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia.’ The Prime Minister stated that this recognition by the General Assembly would help combat the contemporary challenges of racism, discrimination, and violence against Muslims, and promote interfaith harmony.

The Prime Minister emphasized the need to advance the cause of justice for Muslims worldwide, including through the platform of OIC. He emphasized the importance of promoting unity and solidarity among Islamic countries; with a focus on the achievement of prosperity and sustainable development through increased cooperation.


Before the meeting with the Prime Minister, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry; held a meeting with the Pakistani Minister of State for Climate Change, Zertaj Gul Wazir. Shoukry is the President-designate of the 27th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.


Pakistan and Egypt established diplomatic relations in 1951. Furthermore, Pakistan helped Egypt with aid during wars. The Pakistani and Egyptian military also have close relations in the fields of defense production.

Both countries maintain contacts of high-level delegations of military chiefs. Moreover, Egypt and Pakistan have agreed to enhance the existing level of co-operation between the two countries.  In that cooperation; both included economic and commercial relations, investment opportunities, co-operation in public and civil services, health sector, agriculture, and postal.

In energy, the two countries agreed to further enhance the cooperation in alternative energy; particularly wind power.