Brussels, 3 July 2023 (TDI): Amna Baloch, the Pakistani Ambassador to Belgium, and Imran Rath, the Director of Sourcing Solutions Europe, discussed sustainability in textile design and imports.

They aimed at strengthening partnerships with Pakistani small businesses and educational institutions while acknowledging Sourcing Solutions Europe’s commitment to sustainability.

Recognizing Sourcing Solutions Europe’s Sustainability Efforts

Ambassador Amna Baloch praised Sourcing Solutions Europe’s sustainable practices and dedication to eco-friendly products. She highlighted the potential benefits of collaboration of  Sourcing Solutions Europe with Pakistani Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and involving educational institutions.

Also Read: Pakistan Exploring Textile Industry Partnership with Switzerland

It will equip future generations with the necessary knowledge and skills. This is also intended to promote a culture of sustainability in the textile industry.

Highlighting Potential Partnerships with Pakistani SMEs

Rath stressed the importance of forming valuable partnerships with Pakistani SMEs and academic organizations. He also reaffirmed the company’s commitment to sustainable practices and fostering collaborations for a sustainable future.

Rath highlighted the company’s firm belief in the positive impact of collaboration and knowledge sharing in driving industry-wide change. Sourcing Solutions Europe is at the forefront of sustainable textile design and imports. It employs various methods to minimize its environmental impact.

Through responsible sourcing and efficient supply chain management, the company has successfully integrated sustainability into its core business practices. Moreover, through innovative design techniques, they have further solidified their dedication to sustainable operations.

The meeting ended positively, with Imran Rath and Ambassador Amna Baloch expressing their shared dedication to fostering sustainable growth in the textile sector. Both officials affirmed their commitment to promoting a more sustainable future.