Islamabad, 25 July 2022 (TDI): The Foreign Office Spokesperson, Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, released a statement rejecting and strongly condemning the unjustified and entirely reprehensible remarks made by the Indian Minister of Defense at a recent event in Jammu.

Foreign Office Spokesperson stated that India’s Defense Minister’s speech misrepresented the well-established historical facts concerning Jammu and Kashmir.

Not only did it encompass baseless allegations against Pakistan but also hurled threats against Pakistan.

Rajnath Singh, the Indian Defense Minister stated that Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir are illegally occupied by Pakistan. He called article 370 “an artificial barrier that stands erased.”

He further made the claim that Pakistan turned to proxy warfare after experiencing loss in the frontal conflicts of 1965 and 1971.

According to the Spokesperson, senior Indian politicians have previously also attempted to disparage the legitimate, indigenous, and just independent movement of the people of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Nevertheless, provocative remarks made by the Indian political officials cannot change the fact that IIOJK exists, and neither can alter its reality.

Asim Iftikhar continued by saying, India needs to reflect on why it had not been able to extinguish the flame of freedom from Kashmiris’ hearts. Despite the imposing of harsh laws, keeping the entire valley under military siege for decades, and imprisoning and wantonly killing thousands of Kashmiris, they fail to do it.

India’s disregard for resolution of the matter

Additionally, he added that India needs a historical reminder that Jammu and Kashmir are an internationally recognized conflict.

Undoubtedly, implementing the relevant UN Security Council decisions is the only way to resolve the internationally recognized conflict.

He reaffirmed that Pakistan would always continue to assist the population of IIOJK in every possible manner in their just fight to attain the right to self-determination.

In the statement, Pakistan also urged the international community to take concrete and practical actions to deter India. India needs to be held accountable for continuing to brutalize Kashmiris and making illegitimate attempts to alter the demographic structure of IIOJK.

Furthermore, Pakistan is an advocate of regional peace and stability. At the same time, it is completely capable of defeating any aggressive plans.

Lastly, Pakistan has repeatedly shown its resolve and capability in this area on numerous occasions, particularly recently.

Indian Minister