New York, 28 July 2022 (TDI): The Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan Mission to the United Nations (UN), Aamir Khan represented Pakistan at the virtual briefing on Petersberg Climate Dialogue 2022.

In order to minimize global warming, Petersberg Climate Dialogue focuses on lowering reliance on fossil fuels. It also focuses on assisting less developed nations in converting to alternative energy sources.

Ambassador Khan stated that even if the cost of renewable energy is significantly declining, access to and transfer of technology are still significant issues that need to be resolved to hasten the implementation of renewables.

Further, he added that Pakistan emphasizes the values of equity and of “Common but Differentiated Responsibilities & Respective Capabilities” (CBDR_RC) and their distinct national conditions and historic responsibilities. He further said that adhering to them is essential while discussing climate change.

13th Petersberg Climate Dialogue

The Minister of Climate Change of Pakistan, Sherry Rehman along with the Pakistani delegation participated in the Petersberg Dialogue on the behalf of Pakistan.

Sherry Rehman emphasized that Pakistan is most heavily under the impact of climate change. Further, she added that Pakistan is facing heatwaves, fall in water levels, forest fires, and glacier melting.

Rehman highlighted that Pakistan has become the epicenter of a global climate emergency due to severe changes in the climate. Thus, it is concerning to Pakistan.

Moreover, Rehman stated the fact that Pakistan is emitting less than 1% of Green House Gases.

She pointed out that if the people of the planet Earth miss the chance to mend the damaged climate system, then it is the failure of the people to save the survival of future generations.

Petersberg Climate Dialogue

The annual Petersberg Climate Dialogue series began in 2010 following the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. The Dialogue brings together high-level representatives from different countries.

Ministers have used the Petersberg Dialogue as a forum to forge a political consensus. The dialogue discusses concrete steps towards overcoming the climate crisis. Along with strengthening confidence both in multilateral climate negotiations and between countries.

Pakistan in Petersberg