Geneva, 4 March 2023 (TDI): Norway, on behalf of Nordic countries, issued a statement about the human rights situation in Sudan. The Human Right Council 52 (HRC52) session held an interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral update on Sudan.

The official statement was delivered by the Permanent Representative of Norway, Tine Morch Smith. She spoke on behalf of Nordic-Baltic counties namely Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden

Norway expressed that perpetrators of violence, harassment, and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) must be held accountable. The right to a peaceful protest should be protected.

She emphasized that degenerated situation of human rights has been a matter of serious concern. Recent months have witnessed a significant rise in bloody clashes between armed groups.

Numerous hapless civilians have been susceptible to violence and SGBV. There is an immediate need for accountability of those responsible. The Nordic countries have urged all the signatories to fully implement the Juba Peace Agreement.

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Sudanese, like all other global citizens, have a right to peaceful protest. The joint statement has urged the military powers in Sudan to show restraint. The fragile political situation and human rights violations and abuse are always interlinked.

The Nordic countries, therefore, appreciate the broad range of peace efforts and negotiations by Sudanese stakeholders to prevent human and political rights violations.

The peace efforts should center around a consensus-based political agreement. A consensus-based civilian-led government is the only plausible way forward leading Sudan through a transitional period to free and fair elections.

Norway along with Nordic-Baltic countries has urged Sudanese authorities to completely cooperate with the United Nations mandate and injunctions.


The HRC52 held an interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral update on Sudan with the assistance of appointed experts on the Human Rights condition in Sudan.

The dialogues also considered the deteriorating condition of human rights in occupied Palestinian territory and East Jerusalem including Sudan.

The UN Higher Commission for Human Rights, Volker Turk asserted that Sudan’s social and political fabric has been jeopardized due to decades of conflicts, suffering, clashes, and violence.

The political agreement signed in December 2022 provided a ray of hope for civilian rule and a transition to democracy in the country.

The High Commissioner pledged strong commitments to human rights and justice. These values will be the cornerstone of the final agreement.
