Accra, 5 July 2023 (TDI): Ghana strengthens relations with Portugal as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, and Minister of Defence, Dominic Nitiwul welcomed their Portuguese counterparts on Monday.

Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joao Gomes Cravinho and Minister of Defence Helena Carreiras arrived in Accra for a two-day working visit.

Also Read: Senegalese President visits Portugal

The ministers discussed in this meeting the historic ties between the two countries that date back to the 15th century when Portuguese sailors arrived at the Gold Coast.

They also discussed the preparation regarding the state visit of the President of Ghana to Portugal this month as a sign of commitment to strengthen the relationship between both countries.

Ghanaian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that there is potential to boost the relationship between the countries on bilateral and multilateral levels.

She also encouraged private investors from both sides to explore new sectors of cooperation with the government’s support to increase economic development and provide employment.

Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs in his remarks, agreed to deepen the relationship by increasing cooperation on bilateral and multilateral issues.

Defence Cooperation

Dominic Nitiwul recognized Portugal’s support to Ghana’s security with the EU’s Support to West Africa Integrated Maritime Security (SWAIMS). He also teamed up against terrorism in the region.

Helena Carrieras announced to support Ghana to fight terrorism and violent extremists in the region and to help those countries that are affected by terrorism.

Ghana Strengthen Relation with Portugal as Both sides signed a Memorandum of Understanding under the EU’s Support to West Africa Integrated Maritime Security program that will upgrade the maritime strength of Ghana.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was on the Modality of allocation and utilization of Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBS) as part of the ECOWAS Integrated Maritime Strategy.

Both sides also ensured to work on international issues like climate change and lack of food with each other’s support.

The Portuguese envoy will continue their tour by visiting Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso by Thursday.