Male 23 July 2022 (TDI): The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Maldives, Abdulla Shahid, sent a congratulatory message to the new minister of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka, Ali Sabry.

The congratulatory message was sent on Ali Sabry’s appointment as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

The message from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives to the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister read:

It is my pleasure to extend warm congratulations on Your Excellency’s appointment as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

Despite the current challenges faced by Sri Lanka, I remain fully confident that under your able guidance, Sri Lanka will steer towards further success and prosperity.

I look forward to working closely with Your Excellency and the Government of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to further strengthen our cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral spheres.

Let me also express my best wishes for Your Excellency’s good health and well-being and for the continued progress and prosperity for the people of Sri Lanka.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Relations between the Maldives and Sri Lanka

The Maldives and Sri Lanka established formal ties in 1965. Before establishing diplomatic relations, the Maldives and Sri Lanka were cooperating in the trade sector.

The bilateral partnership between the two countries has expanded over the years in different sectors. The people-to-people contact between the two countries helps the economies of both countries.

The Maldives established its first Representative Office in Colombo on 11 March 1906. Furthermore, the Maldives – Sri Lanka Joint Commission was established in 1984 under the Agreement on Economic and Technical Co-operation.

Also read: Sri Lankan High Commissioner presents credentials to Maldives’ President

The Joint Commission reflects on various issues of importance to both countries. It includes economic cooperation, fisheries, tourism, education, and health.

Furthermore, the Commission also deals with youth skills development, sports, employment, consular and community issues, and legal and law enforcement.

The Maldives and Sri Lanka have also been working towards strengthening regional,  international, and multinational cooperation.


Riffa Ansari is currently working as an Editor and Author at The Diplomatic Insight. She is studying International Relations at Kinnaird College for Women University, Lahore. She is an avid reader aiming to add to her knowledge.