Kuala Lumpur, 3 April 2023 (TDI): Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, on an official visit to China met with Chinese President, Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of People on 31 March 2023.

Both highly emerging, developing countries reaffirmed to strengthen their friendship in a time-honored more confident way than past.

This year marks 10 years of comprehensive partnership and 50 years of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

China and Malaysia have a long-standing friendship, according to Xi Jinping, and the two nations’ bilateral relations have advanced with other countries in the region.

This visit highlights the desire to strengthen their relationship to extreme heights and to collaborate further in relevant fields.

Both leaders had a fruitful conversation on demanding issues related to their nations and also talked about International issues.

Also read: Pakistan, Malaysia agree to strengthen bilateral ties

Anwar Ibrahim thanked for Chinese investments in Malaysia and welcomed new collaborations in emerging sectors including the digital economy, renewable energy, and agricultural trade. 19 agreements were signed in this regard.

He also expressed Malaysia’s will to export more to China in demanding fields and development and people at the front and center.

Anwar Ibrahim also told Xi Jinping that he is visiting China with true will and that the Malaysian community respects and admires China for its achievements and global growth.

Malaysia is prepared to work tirelessly with China to progress Belt and Road cooperation and carry out pertinent initiatives.

Anwar Ibrahim stated that Malaysia is ready to talk about the South China Sea conflict to protect its energy exploration efforts.

Malaysia opposes being compelled to choose sides in a bloc conflict. ASEAN will actively participate in preventing the escalation of regional tensions as an independent entity.