Lahore, 22 July 2022 (TDI): Thirty students from various colleges and universities of Lahore began a five-week-long robotics summer camp at Lincoln Corner, Lahore.

Participants in the workshop have been learning Artificial Intelligence, visual coding, along with how to design and build robots.

Furthermore, many techniques of machine learning have been offered. Also, students have been learning the fundamentals of 3D printing and programming.

App development through an MIT App Inventor and Raspberry Pi programming is also offered in the summer camp. The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer (SBC) capable of running Linux and many other applications.

Lincoln Corner: An Overview

Lincoln Corner Lahore is a joint venture between two institutes. The institutes are the Information Technology University along with the US Consulate General in Lahore.

Moreover, Lincoln Corner includes Public libraries, Universities, and Community Centers. It is a collaborative project between Pakistan and the United States. It serves to be a gallery to exhibit art and music from Pakistani and American Artists.

There are more than 700 American corners in 169 countries all over the world. Also, currently, there are 18 Lincoln Corners in Pakistan.

Additionally, they are launched for the people of Pakistan and the United States to learn and work in the same environment. Therefore, these were introduced by the US to join hands with Pakistan.

Moving ahead, the areas have been named after Abraham Lincoln who was the sixteenth President of the United States of America. All Pakistani citizens have been welcomed to enjoy these perks of having free access to any kind of information.

Adding to that, Lincoln Corner will provide an access to advance and comprehensive information about the US. This initiative can serve to bring American and Pakistani People together for open discussions on US political culture, and values.

Lincoln Corner