New York, 27 March 2023 (TDI): At the United Nations (UN) Water Conference 2023, Kazakhstan Ecology Minister, Zulfiya Suleimen met the UN Secretary-General António Guterres to discuss Kazakhstan’s sustainable water resource management plans.

Minister Suleimen emphasized Kazakhstan’s work toward sustainable water resource management during their conversation.

She revealed the country’s objectives to accomplish SDG 6, which seeks to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

The UN Secretary-General praised Kazakhstan’s proactive effort to attain SDG 6. He acknowledged the country’s commitment to sustainable water management.

Guterres complimented Kazakhstan’s measures to balance economic expansion and environmental sustainability. He also stressed the significance of endurable growth agendas in reaching the SDGs.

He further noted that Kazakhstan can continue to lead by example in supporting sustainable development practices by implementing contemporary technology, policies, and initiatives, inspiring other countries to do the same.

The plans for Kazakhstan’s sustainable water resource management include applying contemporary water treatment and recycling technologies. The country also enhanced irrigation practices and the preservation of natural ecosystems.

Furthermore, Kazakhstan is increasing local community involvement in water resource management and raising public awareness of the need to save water.

Also Read: Water Action Agenda adopted at UN 2023 Water Conference

The government of Kazakhstan has implemented several initiatives and policies to accomplish sustainable water management, prioritizing efficient water resource use and reducing water pollution.

Kazakhstan’s sustainable water resource management plans’ success will substantially impact the country’s economic, social, and environmental development.

It will enhance public health, agricultural productivity, and economic growth while protecting the country’s natural ecosystems by assuring the availability of clean water supplies.

The United Nations Water Conference 2023

The 2023 United Nations Water Conference was an international assembly designed to discuss the problem of water scarcity and its effects on sustainable development.

The conference aimed to create awareness about the crucial necessity of water resource management. It also intended to encourage sustainable practices that maintain water resources’ availability and efficient use for current and future generations.