Geneva, 1 May 2023 (TDI): Geir Tonstol, Director, ILO’s Country Office for Pakistan in his message on International Labour Day, paid tribute to the hardworking individuals who contribute to the progress of societies.

He reassured that the ILO is committed to supporting Pakistan in building a better world of work for all.

The International Labour Day is observed on 1st May. It commemorates the achievements of the Labour Movement. The Labour Movement started in 1884. The workers of Chicago sacrificed their lives in the struggle for their rights. 

Since its creation in 1919, the mandate of the International Labour Organization (ILO) has included adopting international labour standards, promoting their ratification and application in its Member States, and supervising their application as a fundamental means of achieving its objectives

2023 Report of the CEACR

International Labour Organization released its 2023 report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations(CEACR).

The annual report provides a detailed account of each ILO Member State’s legislation and practices in conformity with ratified ILO Conventions (articles 19, 22, and 35 of the Constitution).

The third item on the agenda of the 111th session of the International Labour Conference, scheduled from 5 June to 16 June 2023, is information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations

The International Labour Conference is the ILO’s highest decision-making body. It meets annually in June, bringing together the tripartite delegations from the Organization’s 187 member States.

CEACR is the cornerstone of  ILO’s supervisory system on international labour standards.

The Conference in 1926 adopted a resolution for establishing on an annual basis a Conference Committee and requesting the Governing Body to appoint a technical committee that would be responsible for drawing up a report for the Conference.

The Conference Committee on the Application of Standards and the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations have become the two pillars of the ILO regular supervisory system.

The Committee of Experts comprises 20 members. The members are outstanding legal experts at the national and international levels.

The Committee of Experts undertakes an impartial and technical analysis of how the Conventions are applied in law and practice by Member States while cognizant of different national realities and legal systems.

Conventions, Protocols to Conventions, and Recommendations are parts of International Labour Standards. These International labour standards are universal instruments.

While ILO Member States can choose whether or not to ratify an ILO Convention, Protocol, or Recommendation, the ILO keeps track of developments in all countries, whether or not they have ratified them.

As part of its assessment of the application of Conventions in practice, the Committee notes the information contained in governments’ reports, such as information relating to judicial decisions, statistics, and labour inspection.

Also read: ILO declares Pakistan among lower-middle income countries

Government of Pakistan-Conventions & Measures 

The CEACR provided a detailed account of Pakistan’s legislation and practices in conformity with the ratified ILO Convention. The report assessed Freedom of association, collective bargaining, and industrial relations for labourers in Pakistan.

The Committee examined measures taken by the Government of Pakistan in the context of the previous comments and observations in the application of ratified conventions 11, 87, 98, 100, and 111. The Committee has put Pakistan on four different lists.

In the report, an indication of progress is limited to a specific issue related to the application of the Convention and the nature of the measures adopted by the government concerned.

Legislative Aspect

The Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98) remain less ratified than the six other Conventions proclaimed as fundamental in 1998.

The assessment of the application of Conventions 87 and 98 has put Pakistan on the list in which the Committee has examined the follow-up given to legislative aspects referred to it by the Committee on Freedom of Association.

Following established practice, the Committee also examines the legislative aspects referred to it by the Committee on Freedom of Association. At the latter’s request, the Committee decided to indicate these cases.

Satisfaction with Certain Measures

The Government of Pakistan took certain measures to satisfy the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948(Convention 87), so assessment of such measures enabled the committee to put it on the list on which the Committee has been able to express its satisfaction.

Note with Interest

Pakistan has been put into the list in which the Committee has been able to note with interest certain measures taken by the Government regarding conventions 87, 98, 100, 107, and 111.

The distinction between cases of satisfaction and cases of interest was formalized in 1979.

In general, cases of interest cover measures that are sufficiently advanced to justify the expectation that further progress would be achieved in the future and regarding which the Committee would want to continue its dialogue with the government and the social partners.

Technical Assistance

The assessment of the application of Convention 100 in a report has put Pakistan on a list in which technical assistance would be particularly useful.

The hardest hit service sectors, including the informal paid care economy and domestic work, continue to represent women disproportionately. At the same time, these developments impede the application of several standards, including the Equal remuneration invention, 1951 (No. 100).