New York, 10 December 2022 (TDI): People all over the world observe international Human Rights Day on 10 December. The Day encourages everyone to speak up & take action to stop discrimination in all of its manifestations, whenever & wherever it occurs.
It aims to promote and defend the rights of people around the world to life, liberty, equality, and personal dignity.
History of the Day
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared December 10 of each year to be International Human Rights Day through resolution A/RES/423(V).
The UN declared this at its 317th Plenary Meeting on December 4, 1950, and invited all nations and interested groups to observe the day moving forward.
Also, the United Nations (UN) Postal Administration’s commemorative stamp illustrates how popular the day was at the time. The UN released the stamp in 1952 and attracted over 200,000 advance orders.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has a preamble and 30 articles. The UDHR established the fundamental rights that should be guaranteed to all humans.
These rights are entitled irrespective of race, color, creed, sex, language, political or other beliefs, social or ethnic background, wealth, place of birth, or any other status.
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In addition, UDHR is the first worldwide declaration of human rights and one of the United Nations’ first significant accomplishments.
Moreover, UDHR is the most translated document, present in more than 50 languages.
Human Rights Day: Theme
The UDHR will celebrate its 75th anniversary on December 10 of 2023. A year-long effort to highlight the UDHR and highlight its activism will be launched on December 10 this year in honor of this forthcoming milestone.
Following this, the subject of the campaign will be “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All.” Furthermore, the UN has developed an award given on World Human Rights Day on a recurring basis. Since 1968, numerous prize winners have won ten awards.