Paris, 11 October 2022 (TDI): On this year’s International Day of the Girl Child, United Nations Education Science Culture Organization (UNESCO) has urged the world to work harder than ever to guarantee every woman’s right to education.

The world misses out on a brighter, more equitable future when women are denied education.  The International Day of the Girl Child was established on October 11 by Resolution 66/170 of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).

UNGA recognized the rights of girls and the particular difficulties they face globally. The need to address the issues girls confront, support girls’ empowerment, and ensure that their human rights are upheld.

Their rights were also highlighted by the International Day of the Girl Child. The right to a safe, educated, and healthy existence for adolescent girls extends beyond their formative years and into their adulthood.

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Girls have the capacity to transform the world if they are given the right assistance during their adolescent years, both as the empowered girls of today and as future employees.

Apart from this, the business owners, mentors, household managers, political leaders, and mothers. Adolescent girls’ rights are upheld today by investing in their power, which also offers a more just and prosperous future.

Adding to that, both halves of humankind are equal partners in resolving issues like climate change, political unrest, economic growth, disease prevention, and global sustainability.

UNESCO and UNGA have been honoring changemakers and girls who have fought for their rights to an education on the tenth anniversary of the first International Day of the Girl.

Despite advancements, girls still face obstacles to their education, and COVID-19 has made already difficult conditions for girls much worse.

Nevertheless, changemakers all around the world have demonstrated resourcefulness and resiliency while being given the tools and opportunities they need to advance their communities and create a more egalitarian society.

Along these lines, it is time for all to take responsibility for girls, stand up for them, and make investments in their education and future.

International Day of the Girl Child