Global, 7 September 2023 (TD): On the occasion of the inaugural observance of the International Day of Police Collaboration, the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Policing, in partnership with INTERPOL, highlights the crucial role of women in law enforcement.
Women in policing contribute significantly to various aspects, including crime prevention, criminal investigations, and human rights enforcement, enhancing effectiveness and accountability.
Their full participation is vital, supported by evidence showing that diverse and inclusive police forces bring benefits.
It emphasizes gender-responsive approaches and aligns with Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace, and Security, promoting women’s involvement in decision-making and conflict resolution.
Increased participation of women in all areas of public life, including policing, is essential for achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls under Sustainable Development Goal 5.
As of current data, the global average representation of women in domestic police services is approximately 18.2 percent, having increased by two percent in the past five years.
In 2021, among 52 countries with available data, the proportion of women within the police force ranged from five to 46 percent, with most countries falling between 15 and 20 percent.
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In alignment with international standards, the United Nations advocates for community-oriented policing, which emphasizes outreach, partnerships, and locally driven solutions to community priorities and public safety concerns.
The United Nations advocates for community-oriented policing, which aligns with international standards and aids in addressing gender-based violence.
Increasing women’s visibility in policing not only motivates others but also advances gender equality and access to justice.
The police represent one of the most visible facets of the state. Consequently, the visibility and participation of women in national police services and United Nations policing continue to serve as inspiration and motivation for others to pursue careers in the field of policing.
On this inaugural International Day of Police Cooperation, the United Nations calls for ongoing police service reforms worldwide to facilitate women’s meaningful careers in upholding the rule of law and serving communities.