Islamabad, 2 October 2023 (TDI): International Day of Non-Violence, observed every October 2nd, was established following the adoption of General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/271 on June 15, 2007.
This significant day serves as a platform to disseminate the message of non-violence, promoting education and public awareness as essential tools in its advocacy.
This resolution not only reaffirms the universal relevance of the principle of non-violence but also underscores the global aspiration to foster a culture characterized by peace, tolerance, understanding, and, of course, non-violence.
Non-violence, also known as non-violent resistance, is a powerful concept that rejects the use of physical force as a means to achieve social or political change.
Also Read: International Day of Peace 2023
Often referred to as “the politics of ordinary people,” it has been adopted by mass movements worldwide, driving campaigns for social justice and positive transformation.
Pakistan, with its extensive history, provides a vivid backdrop for the importance of non-violence. The country has grappled with various forms of violence, ranging from domestic and community disputes to complex religious conflicts and the scourge of terrorism.
These challenges have touched upon a myriad of issues, including violence against women and children, thereby highlighting the pressing need for non-violent approaches to address and resolve these deep-seated problems.
On the other hand, the government of the Pakistan has taken a series of initiatives to combat extremism, Violence and terrorism.
These efforts include the establishment of the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) in 2008, the introduction of the National Action Plan (NAP) in 2014, and subsequent refinements such as the National Internal Security Policy (NISP-11) in 2018 and the National Counter Extremism Policy Guidelines (NCEPG 2018).
These initiatives propose a range of solutions, including educational reforms, teacher training, removal of hate materials, madrassah education reform, positive use of social media, and promoting extracurricular activities for youth.
Additionally, Counter Violent Extremism (CVE) activities are being conducted in educational institutions to train young individuals in narratives of peace, interfaith harmony, and inter-sect cooperation.
Pakistan’s exceptional figure for promoting Non-Violence
Abdul Sattar Edhi, widely known as Edhi, received the 2009 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for promoting tolerance and non-violence. He and his wife, Bilquis, dedicated their lives to helping the poor and needy in Pakistan.
He started with a small dispensary and a van to provide medical aid and bury unclaimed bodies in Karachi. Over time, the Edhi Foundation grew substantially, offering medical care, shelter, rehabilitation, and relief services across Pakistan.

Edhi and Bilquis, who married in 1966, expanded their foundation’s reach and impact. The Edhi Foundation operates hospitals, blood banks, and educational programs, with a strong emphasis on self-sufficiency and humanitarian values.
They’ve rescued abandoned babies, trained nurses, and promoted hygiene and literacy. The Foundation’s efforts extend internationally, providing relief to refugees and disaster victims in various countries.

Abdul Sattar Edhi received numerous awards and honors for his philanthropic work, including the Ramon Magsaysay Award, the Lenin Peace Prize, and the Guinness World Record for the largest private ambulance service network.
Despite their remarkable contributions, Edhi and Bilquis remained private individuals dedicated to their mission of helping those in need.
Abdul Sattar Edhi passed away on July 8, 2016, and Bilquis Edhi died on April 15, 2022, in Karachi, Pakistan.
Iffat Masood is Contributor and Content writer on THE DIPLOMATIC INSIGHT, and also Ambassador from IAMCR. She is perusing her PhD. from UAB Barcelona, Spain in Audio-Video Communications and Advertising.