International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women- 2021


New York City, 25 November 2021 (TDI): The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is commemorated annually on 25 November.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women launches 16 days of activism. It will be concluded on the 10th of December 2020.

In this activism, Several public events are being coordinated. Moreover, iconic buildings along with landmarks will be ‘oranged’ to recall the need for a violence-free future.

To raise awareness against gender violence against women this year’s theme is “Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now!”. Orange is a color to represent a brighter future and to free women and girls from violence.

What is UNiTE campaign?

This campaign was launched in 2008. It calls for ending violence by 2030 against women. It is a multi-year effort aimed at preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls around the world.

Moreover, it calls on governments, civil society, women’s organizations along with the young people, the media, and the entire UN system to join forces in addressing the global pandemic of violence against women and girls.

UN Women launched Say NO–UNiTE to End Violence against Women as a social mobilization platform in 2009. NO–UNiTE has transitioned into a network for social mobilization to showcase advocacy to end violence against women.

What is Orange Day?

The UNiTE campaign has proclaimed the 25th of each month as “Orange Day”. It is a day to raise awareness and to take action to end violence against women. Orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls.

On the 25th day of every month, Say NO–UNiTE mobilizes people around the world to support the “Orange Day” initiative. It calls on people everywhere to wear the color orange Moreover to take action to end violence against women.

Activism to end gender based violence on women
Activism to end gender-based violence on women
16 Days Of Activism

This day will mark the Launch of the “UNiTE”. It is to end violence against women’s campaigns. Moreover, This initiative is 16 days of activism. This campaign, led by the UN Secretary-General,  António Guterres, and UN Women since 2008.

It aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls around the world. Moreover, it calls for global action to increase awareness. Furthermore, it promotes advocacy and creates opportunities. It also discusses the challenges and consequently their solutions.

The United Nations is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence from 25 November to 10 December 2021.
The United Nations is marking the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence from 25 November to 10 December 2021.
UN Secretary-General on the 16-day campaign 

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres mentioned Violence against women is the most pervasive and pressing human rights issue in the world today.

Furthermore, it is an abhorrent crime and a public health emergency. It also has far-reaching consequences for millions of women in every corner of the globe.

Violence in any part of society affects us all. From the scars on the next generation to the weakening of the social fabric- UN Secretary General

The Secretary-General also mentioned that during the covid 19 pandemic, the level of violence against women has increased. Women have reported gender-based violence during the pandemic. Moreover, Household conflicts had become more frequent consequently they reported they are less safe at home.

Secretary-General calls for drawing a straight line between violence against women, civil oppression, and violent conflict. He mentioned violence against women is not inevitable.  The right policies and programs bring results.

There is a need for comprehensive along with long-term strategies to tackle the root causes of violence. There is an urgent need to promote the rights of women and girls.

Change is possible, Now is the time to redouble our efforts so that together, we can eliminate violence against women and girls by 2030.

Views by Executive Director of UN Women

Executive Director Of UN Women, Sima Bahous mentioned Violence against women is a global crisis. there are women and girls living in danger. Moreover, the violence against women is persistent in both Rich and poor.

Sima Bahous underscored that violence against women often goes unreported. It is silenced by the stigma along with the fear of the justice system that does not work for women. The covid 19 pandemic has enabled unseen violence.

Moreover, she underscored that women found themselves in lockdown with their abusers.  In all corners of the world, helplines for violence against women saw an increase in reports.

The executive director mentioned that the human rights of women are core principles of international law.  women play a diverse role in leadership along with economic welfare and community welfare.

 All human life benefits when women’s human rights are upheld, and we all suffer when those rights are abused.

Hopes for reduction in violence against women

The Executive Director mentioned there is hope. She mentioned much has been achieved to prevent and reduce violence against women.  Furthermore, the challenge is to expand global efforts.

There is a need to ensure essential services are available to women of all ages. Moreover, there is a need to support environments in which women can participate safely in decision-making.

On this occasion, The United Nations-affiliated agencies present their support to end violence against women.

Remarks of UNGA President on 16-day Campaign

UNGA President, Abdula Shahid mentioned that Gender-Based Violence knows no social and economic boundaries. it knows No social and economic boundaries. Consequently, it affects women of all socio-economic backgrounds.

“This issue needs to be addressed in both developing and developed countries”

WHO African Region’s call on issue

According to the latest global estimates, nearly one-in-three women have been subjected to physical and sexual violence at least once in their lifetime. Since the pandemic outbreak, particularly domestic violence has been intensified. WHO African Region called for the elimination of violence against women.


International Day for the Elimination of Violence is a ray of hope. It begins the annual “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence,”. For 2021, the theme is, “Orange the World: End Violence Against Women Now!”. “Orange” symbolizes a brighter future, free of violence.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women