Bali, 31 August 2022 (TDI): The Supreme Audit Institutions 20 (SAI20) Summit was held on Monday and Tuesday in Bali. During the summit the endorsement of the Rules of Procedures (RoP) and the agreement of the SAI20 Communique took place.

Moreover, it was decided that the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) will chair SAI20 next year.

Purpose of the Summit

Indonesia with its G20 Presidency bought the spirit of “Recover Together, Recover Stronger”. In line with this, the Audit Board of the Republic of (BPK RI) initiated the Supreme Audit Institution G20 (SAI20).

Moreover, twelve SAIs of G20 countries attended the event. The Vice President of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin also attended the event. Additionally, the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani, and the Chairperson of BPK, RI Isma Yatun, also attended the Summit.

SAIs took part in ensuring increased accountability and effectiveness of each country’s global policies. Moreover, they aimed at participating in overseeing the sustainability of the mutually agreed global agenda.

On the first day, the Summit saw discussions and general statements by participants and their views on different topics related to health and economic recovery. Moreover, the adoption of Rules of Procedures and the discussion on Global health architecture also commenced on the day.

On the second day, the Summit held a parliamentary session. A sharing session on Green Economy, Energy Transition, and Digital Transformation were also observed.


G20 has a strong commitment to address today’s most pressing global challenges and to converge upon common efforts to recover better from the COVID-19 crisis. Furthermore, its aim is to enable sustainable and inclusive growth in countries and across the world.

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) help in developing effective states to respond with more agile and reliable governance, democratic development, and trust in society. SAIs’ global objective is to play a key role in making a difference in the lives of the citizens.

Consequently, each country’s SAI takes a role as a partner of G20 governments in ensuring and improving the performance and accountability of public sector agencies as well as the effectiveness of their programs and policies.

Remarks by Vice President of Indonesia:

In his remarks, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin appreciated the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia for the SAI20 initiative. He highlighted that the SAI20 will play an important role in the post-pandemic recovery phase.

Moreover, the Vice-President highlighted his belief that the establishment of SAI20 will provide added value to the global community. The Vice President added that it will build stronger governance and encourage more effective collaboration between SAI and the government as well as the stakeholders.

Remarks by Head of Indonesia State Audit Board:

Head of the Indonesian State Audit Board, Isma Yatun highlighted that the Parliament 20 (P20) and Supreme Audit Institutions G20 (SAI20) have the same interests and can strengthen collaboration for accelerating post-pandemic economic recovery.

She emphasized that their collaboration can also accelerate the achievement of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Therefore, Yatun urged the SAIs participants to cooperate with representative institutions to carry out an independent supervisory function. According to her, it will ensure the success of the policies and programs of the G20 countries.

Moreover, Yatun said that the SAI20 communiqué encourages G20 governments to accelerate economic recovery and achieve the 2030 agenda. Consequently, she hoped that the SAI20 Summit will serve as an important milestone for the SAI20 community to contribute to the global community.


Supreme Audit Summit