In recent years, India has become increasingly influential in global affairs, guided by the principles of non-alignment and strategic autonomy. As the world’s largest democracy and a rapidly growing economy, India’s role on the international stage has gained momentum. The country actively engages in numerous multilateral forums, including the G20, BRICS, SCO, and the Quad, demonstrating its dedication to tackling global issues and fostering collaboration among nations.

India has emerged as the world’s fifth-largest economy based on data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The country is expected to achieve a growth rate of 7% this year, solidifying its position among the top economic powers. India’s nominal GDP ranking has also propelled it to the fifth spot globally. However, while India’s economic growth is impressive, there are still obstacles to overcome, such as sustainability and infrastructure development. Looking ahead, India is projected to possess the largest workforce by 2030 and has the potential to contribute over USD 500 billion to the global economy each year.

India’s foreign policy is closely linked to its economic goals. The country actively practices economic diplomacy, focusing on promoting trade, investment, and cooperation with nations globally. Initiatives like the “Make in India” campaign and the creation of special economic zones aim to attract foreign investment and bolster India’s manufacturing sector. Through these economic partnerships, India aims to enhance its global influence while contributing to the growth and prosperity of both domestic and international economies.

India’s active involvement in global affairs is exemplified by its close monitoring of the situation in Ukraine. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has raised significant international concern, and India has promptly demonstrated its commitment to a peaceful resolution. India has consistently urged all involved parties to exercise restraint and emphasized the value of diplomatic negotiations in resolving the conflict. Through its firm stance, India has underscored its dedication to upholding peace and stability in the region.

Moreover, India has been actively collaborating with other Quad nations to address the situation in Ukraine. The Quad, consisting of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India, is a strategic forum aimed at fostering a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific region. India’s involvement in the Quad underscores its readiness to closely cooperate with like-minded nations in addressing global challenges and shaping regional dynamics. In 2022, India successfully hosted the inaugural Quad Summit, where leaders from the member countries convened to discuss important issues, including the situation in Ukraine. This summit provided an opportunity for India to showcase its leadership and unwavering commitment to promoting regional stability.

India has not only engaged globally but has also actively participated in regional initiatives to promote cooperation and address regional challenges. Notable examples include its involvement in organizations such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). India has also taken part in initiatives like the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and the Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) framework. These regional engagements serve the purpose of enhancing regional integration, fostering economic cooperation, and addressing shared security concerns.

India’s foreign policy prioritizes strengthening its relationships with other countries, with a particular focus on enhancing cooperation with Australia and Japan. These partnerships encompass various areas, including trade, defense, and security. The collaboration among India, Australia, and Japan contributes to regional stability and reinforces the broader Indo-Pacific strategic architecture.

India’s dedication to strengthening international ties is evident through its extensive diplomatic network. As of 2021, India had 123 resident missions and 71 non-resident missions worldwide. These missions play a crucial role in facilitating communication, promoting economic cooperation, and fostering cultural exchanges between India and other nations. India’s broad diplomatic presence highlights its commitment to establishing strong relationships globally.

Although specific data on the number of foreign visits by Indian delegates in a year is not readily available, it is clear that India actively engages with the international community. Indian leaders and diplomats undertake various bilateral and multilateral visits to strengthen diplomatic ties, foster economic partnerships, and address global challenges.

India has emerged as a significant player in global efforts to tackle climate change and promote sustainable development. As a participant in the Paris Agreement, India has taken substantial measures to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, boost the use of renewable energy, and encourage energy efficiency. Actively participating in international climate conferences and initiatives, India advocates for fair and inclusive approaches to addressing climate change. Its commitment to sustainable development aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), demonstrating India’s dedication to global environmental responsibility.

India’s growing influence in global affairs stems from its pursuit of national interests and its aim to contribute to international peace and stability. With its rich cultural heritage, diverse population, and rapidly expanding economy, India plays multiple roles on the global stage. It employs its diplomatic influence to address critical issues like climate change, terrorism, and regional conflicts while advocating for a more inclusive and equitable global order.

India has demonstrated its commitment to global humanitarian efforts by providing significant humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to countries in times of need. The country has dispatched medical teams, relief supplies, and financial aid to assist in post-disaster recovery and humanitarian crises around the world. This proactive engagement in humanitarian assistance highlights India’s willingness to contribute to global welfare and build goodwill among nations.

Recently, India launched ‘Operation Dost’ to extend humanitarian aid to Turkey and Syria following a devastating earthquake that claimed the lives of over 21,000 people and caused extensive damage. Under Operation Dost, India sent search and rescue teams, including three teams from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), as well as a field hospital, essential materials, medicines, and equipment to assist in the recovery efforts in Turkey and Syria. This initiative showcases India’s proactive approach to providing assistance during times of crisis and its commitment to supporting nations in need.

In conclusion, India’s active participation in global affairs is evident through its foreign policy approach and involvement in multilateral forums. The country’s commitment to non-alignment and strategic autonomy, along with its efforts to strengthen relationships with other nations, positions India as a significant player on the international stage. By closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine and actively engaging in conflict resolution efforts, India demonstrates its dedication to peace and stability. Moreover, its collaboration with other Quad nations and endeavors to expand partnerships with countries like Australia and Japan emphasize its commitment to fostering regional cooperation. As India continues to deepen its global engagement, its role in shaping global affairs is poised to grow, contributing to a more balanced and multipolar international order.


*Ravil Patel is a dedicated student from India, passionate about education, community service, and fostering multicultural understanding.  

**The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Diplomatic Insight. The organization neither endorses nor assumes any responsibility for the content of this article.