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Illegal Traffic of Arms, UNSC position of Mexico

Mexico, 7 October 2021 (TDI): The Ambassador de la Fuente thanked Kenya for the meeting and remarked that the topic of discussion; was about illegal traffic of arms; with an emphasis on small and light ones, and the importance that it has for Mexico, on 6 October. De la Fuente mentioned that the country organized a meeting in September; and announced that the delegation desires to follow the topic during the Mexican presidency of the Council in November.

De la Fuente stated that Mexico reaffirmed its conviction, that from the Security Council, the transparency, and actions against the illegal traffic of arms can improve; by strengthening schemes to prevent the deviation, to improve the risk analysis of the exportation, to ensure mechanisms to verify the authorized users, and to promote gender perspective and attention to the victims of the violence that firearms generate.


De la Fuente mentioned the report of the General Secretary; because according to the delegation, it offers an updated diagnostic of the problem and recommendations for the Member States. De la Fuente also remarked that many of the recommendations are aligned to the proposals of Mexico; he then mentioned that the information of the report is worrying due to the increase of illegal flows, and the traffic of arms and its consequences for international peace.

De la Fuente urged the Council to make an analysis of the impact of weapons in daily life, of the topics under the agenda. He also urged the Council to make a firm call regarding the commitments; so, the international cooperation can generate more effective agreements to prevent this traffic.

The Ambassador stated that most of the attention of the Council has been on promoting and strengthening management schemes for weapons and ammunition. De la Fuente stated that Mexico deems it necessary; to analyze the complete cycle of the weapons from production to conclude in the final users. Representing Mexico; De la Fuente warned that it’s dangerous that the actions remain reactive; that means when the weapons are in possession of those who shouldn’t have them; that’s why de la Fuente announced the support for effective border controls.

Mexico’s Firm Call

The report, according to de la Fuente; also warns regarding the disproportionate impact on women and children; so he supported the strengthening of the peace mission operation capacities. Mexico urged that it is necessary to coordinate, and cooperate, between all instruments to control weapons; and that’s why Mexico firmly calls the Members to act against it.

Illegal Traffic of Arms

International Relations student at the Universidad de Navarra in Spain. Main interests are the work of International Organizations like the UN in the scope of humanitarian assistance to vulnerable human beings and the environment

Carla Esparza Arteaga
Carla Esparza Arteaga
International Relations student at the Universidad de Navarra in Spain. Main interests are the work of International Organizations like the UN in the scope of humanitarian assistance to vulnerable human beings and the environment

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