IAEA working to integrate AI in Nuclear Science & Technology

Artificial intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence

Geneva, 27 February 2023 (TDI): International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is working to inculcate Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Nuclear Science and Technology.

AI is evolving rapidly, transforming into sophisticated boundaries and offering solutions to complex problems. It is deployed in many sectors including, manufacturing, transportation, finance, education, and healthcare.

It is also creating impacts in nuclear science and technology, harnessing it more in the nuclear field could positively contribute to addressing crucial challenges, ranging from food security to climate change.

AI In Health Sector

AI could be used in the medical and health sector in order to combat diseases. Already many IA protocols applied to support the diagnosis and treatment of cancer through improved image interpretation and precise tumor contouring.

That enables more accurate treatment plans and adaptive radiotherapy. For further research, IAEA launched a coordinated research project.  

It would also play a significant role in IAEA’s initiative Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action (ZODIAC) in order to help experts, understand the impact of zoonotic diseases on human health. 

In Agriculture Sector

AI along with nuclear technologies could help make food systems more sustainable and resilient. In the changing climate scenario, it could offer solutions for food and nutrition insecurities. 

Experts are already deploying IA to increase crop yields, estimate soil moisture, remediate radioactively contaminated land, and improve irrigation systems.

In Environment and Water Related-Issues

The IA tools along with nuclear isotopic methods also deployed by the experts to study and track how water moves through different stages of the hydrological cycle. Also, what transformations occur in this cycle due to climate change? 

Organizations such as the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation and the World Metrological Organization are involved in this study.

In Nuclear Science, Fusion Research, and Nuclear Power

AI is playing an increasingly important role in nuclear science as it is used in data analysis, theoretical modeling, and experiment design, helping to accelerate fundamental research.

Such as, in the context of nuclear and atomic data evaluation and compilation, and advancement of technological innovation.

Moreover, in fusion research IA is providing abilities to solve large and complex problems, AI could also aid experiments and scientific discovery through modeling and simulations.

These applications of AI are included in projects initiated by IAEA, such as IAEA-coordinated research projects.

AI systems also contribute to designing complex procedures in nuclear power and improving reactor design, performance, and safety. 

AI In Nuclear Security and Safeguards

AI is also ensuring nuclear security concerning the environment. As it is used in the processing of data from radiation detection systems to enhance the detection and identification of nuclear and other radioactive material. 

Furthermore, in the context of radiation protection, the integration of AI in safety standards-related software could reinforce the protection of the millions of workers with occupational exposure in medicine, construction, mining, shipping, agriculture, and nuclear power.

Also read: Global agreement on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

The IAEA is discussing and fostering collaborations on utilizing AI in the nuclear realm, and science and technology.

The IAEA is collaborating with the International Telecommunication Union and the United Nations Interagency Working Group on AI among 40 other UN organizations to provide a solid foundation for accelerated sustainable development with AI.