HIGUCHI Yoshi, the Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Madagascar is having an impressive career representing Japan on international levels. HIGUCHI Yoshi is one of the finest diplomats that the land of the rising sun has ever produced.

After being designated as the Ambassador of Japan to Madagascar, HIGUCHI Yoshi has left no stone unturned to enhance the bilateral ties between Japan and the Republic of Madagascar.

Being in Madagascar, the Japanese Ambassador has worked tirelessly for the betterment of diplomacy, trade, and economic ties between both brotherly nations.

Efforts for enhanced bilateral cooperation

Since being appointed as the Ambassador of Japan to Madagascar, HIGUCHI Yoshi has done all the rightful and needful things to promote and enhance bilateral relations and cooperation between these two states of Asia and Africa.

Whether it is through attending the cultural festivals, engaging with the people and government of Madagascar, bringing financial support to Madagascar, or promoting inter-cultural ties between Japan and Madagascar, the Ambassador of Japan never stepped back.

Due to his efforts and dedication to peace and development, the relations between Madagascar and Japan are better than any time before. Ambassador HIGUCHI Yoshi has always kept a keen view about the promotion of friendly ties between Tokyo and Antananarivo.

Promoting tourism

Along with all this, the Ambassador of Japan, HIGUCHI Yoshi, has also placed his efforts for promoting tourism in Madagascar. From meeting the ministers of Madagascar to himself exploring and sharing beautiful and eye-catching places, the Ambassador has done a lot for the promotion of tourism in Madagascar.

For this purpose, in the month of October, the Ambassador of Japan also participated in the 2nd JIR (International Days of the Regions) edition in Itasy. The theme of this edition was the Itasy heart of Madagascar, open to the world for the emergence of future generations.

Japanese Ambassador joined the representatives of the government of Madagascar and its people for developing friendly ties. This helped the world know about the tourism culture of Madagascar. Above all, such steps of Ambassador HIGUCHI Yoshi helps to strengthen ties between Japan and Madagascar.

Assistance during Covid-19

Not to forget that the assistance from Japan towards Madagascar during the Covid-19 pandemic was greater than ever. The Ambassador of Japan took every possible step to help the people and government of Madagascar combat the effects of this pandemic.

Recently, on 22 November 2021, under the program Refund supported by the Government of Japan, medical equipment was handed over for the frontline health workers by IOM Madagascar. The medical equipment helped those who were fighting against Covid-19 to protect innocent lives.

All in all, the efforts of the Japanese Ambassador for the betterment of Madagascar are hidden to none.

Promotion and betterment of irrigation and agriculture 

Those who follow the Ambassador will admit his love and affection for gardening, farming, and agriculture. He seems very passionate and happy when he is left with nature. Whether it is gardening for his own house or the betterment of the irrigation and agricultural system of Madagascar.

Japanese Ambassador to Madagascar


The Ambassador has done a lot for the betterment of the irrigation system and for the promotion of the Agricultural goods of Madagascar. Recently, under his leadership in Madagascar, the Japanese Government Granted an aid of $ 30 million for the improvement of the irrigation system of Madagascar. 

Work against Gender-Based Violence

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese Ambassador to Madagascar has always voiced against Gender-Based Violence, on all platforms. Keeping in mind the gender difference and the increasing Gender-Based Violence, the Ambassador, has always supported the Government of Madagascar and relevant NGOs for the end of GBV and discrimination against women.

Efforts for Sustainable and Clean energy

It must not leave without mentioning that the Japanese Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar has also made remarkable efforts to better provide sustainable and clean energy to the people of Madagascar.

On 19 November 2021, the Ambassador met with the Madagascar Minister of Energy to discuss sustainable energy, energy prices, and cooperation for the betterment of energy provision in Madagascar.

Promoting Education in Madagascar 

Inhabiting from Japan, the Ambassador keeps education as its first priority, and he has never missed a single chance to promote and develop facilities for education in Madagascar. He has been in link with UNICEF Madagascar and has also driven various education projects with the help of UNICEF and the Government of Japan.

On 17 November 2021, the Ambassador of Japan to Madagascar met with the representative of UNICEF and assured him that Japan would support and cooperate for water, nutrition, medical care, and education in Madagascar.

All in all, the Japanese Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar is said to be one of the finest diplomats that Japan has ever produced. His work for peacekeeping, promoting bilateral ties, and enhancing diplomatic relations can never be forgotten.