London, 10 November 2022 (TDI): The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of Ghana, Ayorkor Botchwey delivered a speech at Chatham House, London on the Commonwealth Reimagined.

The speech was intended to tackle the fact that there is a need for a fast-changing world to respond to the needs of our people and the planet.

During the speech, the Foreign Minister highlighted six areas that the Commonwealth needs to tackle in other to ensure that member countries have strong economies.

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These areas included trade and investment, youth education, skills, innovation, skill-ups, mobility, & the labor market. She again added the need to tackle climate change, small states, & the management of resources for an effective commonwealth.

She made the audience understand that under the trade and investment sector, there is a very limited fund for the assistance of member states. There is a need for further engagement to provide more funds for members.

On small-state development

Adding to the above, she talked about the small states who are members. These states according to her are faced with a lot of economic and social challenges. These states are constantly been neglected by the organization.

On climate change

With the issue of climate change, she talked about the need for the member countries to brace the climate change. Climate change support from the head of the Commonwealth countries to help assist with the fight for climate justice.

Ayorkor Botchwey continued the speech to talk about the need for youth development. The skill development and innovation development of youths are necessary for the commonwealth countries.

Ghana in Commonwealth

Ghana has been a permanent member of the Commonwealth and has contributed to its activities as a member state.

The Commonwealth of Nations also referred to as Commonwealth is a political organization of members of the former British Empire. Ghana and other 53 other countries are a member.
