Washington, 21 July 2022 (TDI): Germany’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tobias Linder presented Germany’s ratification of the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO. This shows that Germany supports the accession of the two countries to NATO. Linder also met with Derek Chollet, Counselor of the United States Department of State.

Sweden and Finland’s NATO Accession Process

On 29 June 2022, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) invited Finland and Sweden to join the military alliance at the Madrid Summit. Turkiye, Sweden, and Finland also signed a trilateral memorandum.

Magdalena Andersson, Prime Minister of Sweden, at NATO’s invitation said, “Sweden will be more secure as a NATO member – and NATO will be stronger with Sweden as a member country.”

Moreover, the two countries completed accession talks, on July 4, 2022, in Brussels. Both states showed their willingness and ability to fulfill the legal, political, and military commitments and obligations of NATO’s membership.

Following this, NATO Allies signed the Accession Protocols on July 5th. NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, “This is truly a historic moment. For Finland, for Sweden, for NATO, and for our shared security.”

The Foreign Ministers of Sweden and Finland also attended the accession protocols.

Also read: Germany supports Sweden, Finland potential NATO membership

Remarks by the Swedish and Finnish Foreign Ministers

Ann Linde, Foreign Minister of Sweden, said, “Today’s meeting marks an important step towards full NATO membership. Now that the accession protocols have been signed, and during the accession process, we will be integrated into the work within NATO’s structures.A great deal remains to be done before we become full members. Today’s step is very positive for the security of Sweden and the Swedish people”.

Pekka Havisto, Foreign Minister of Finland said, “We highly appreciate the support of the Alliance to the membership of Finland and look forward to a swift ratification process.Over the past 30 years, Finland and NATO have had a long-standing and pragmatic partnership. Finland joined NATO’s Partnership for Peace program already in 1994”.

Romania, Belgium, Poland, and Lithuania have also ratified the accession of Sweden and Finland. However, both countries have Invitee status until all the members of the alliance ratify the accession protocols.


Sweden and Finland

Senior year student of International Relations at Kinnaird College.