Islamabad, 15 November 2022 (TDI): German Ambassador to Pakistan, Alfred Grannas joined an international conference hosted by Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Pakistan.

Hanns Seidel Foundation Pakistan and the Area Study Center at the University of Peshawar jointly hosted an international conference on “Challenges to Bilateral #Pakistan and Afghanistan Dialogue and Their Solutions”.

The HSF Conference featured panelists from Afghanistan, Germany, Uzbekistan, Australia, the UK, Singapore, and Pakistan who will discuss issues such as regional integration, peace, cooperation, and prospects with regard to Afghanistan in particular.

German Ambassador to Pakistan, Alfred Grannas also joined the conference and shared his views on the uncertain situation in Afghanistan.

He stated, that the timing of this summit, as the entire world struggles to find methods to support the de facto government and maintain stability in Afghanistan, is ideal.

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed Khan, Director Area Study Center, University of Peshawar, said that in order to transform the current state of unfavorable peace into one of favorable peace, Afghanistan needs the support of the international community.

He urged the international community to help the Taliban must defend human rights. In the initial session, the conference’s panelists shared their ideas for moving forward as they explored the changing situation in Afghanistan and its ramifications for Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the region.

At the two-day international conference on “Challenges of Bilateral Pak-Afghan Dialogue,” Amina Khan made a comment.

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At the last session of two days Conference, Speakers highlighted the difficulties in relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as possible solutions to improve ties between the two close neighbors.

Hanns Seidel Foundation

A political research foundation sponsored by public funds and affiliated with CSU is the Hanns Seidel Foundation. After the majority of the other party-affiliated institutions in Germany had already been created, it was founded in November 1966.

Its main office is in Munich. The foundation’s main office is located in Banz Abbey’s conference center. It belongs to the Center for European Studies, which serves as the EPP’s official foundation and think tank.

It bears Hanns Seidel’s name, a CSU politician. Franz Josef Strauss, a former minister-president of Bavaria, took the idea for HSF to start working in Pakistan in 1983 for democracy, peace, and prosperity.

After setting up and running a technical training facility in Loralai, Balochistan. HSF opened an office there in 1993, expanding the reach of its development activities to the entire nation.

Since then, HSF has been working with both legislative chamber secretariats as well as research organizations, think tanks, and public universities to develop Pakistan’s democratic institutions.

Today, the Foundation is frequently involved in activities across the nation, with a focus on the provincial capitals of Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, and Quetta, as well as the federal capital of Islamabad.

German Ambassador

Musfirah Rashid, Mphil Student at Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.