Mexico City, 25 August 2022 (TDI): Georgia and Mexico signed an agreement on Educational and Cultural cooperation on Tuesday to mark the thirteenth anniversary between the states.

Foreign Secretary of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard, and the Georgian Ambassador to Mexico, Zaza Gabunia, signed the agreement at the Foreign Ministry of Mexico.

Agreement on Educational and Cultural Cooperation

The agreement is the first legal instrument signed by both countries at the international level. It establishes the legal framework for cooperation activities in education and culture.

These include academic exchanges, language teaching, technical and scientific research, and literary, artistic, and sports activities.

The agreement promotes the creation of cultural centers, recognition of academic degrees, and protection and recovery of cultural heritage.

It contains specific provisions to promote cooperation in the most vulnerable sectors. It also creates a joint commission to supervise the execution and preparation of programs of mutual interest.

Remarks by the officials

The President of Georgia appointed Georgia’s new Ambassador to Mexico, Zaza Gabunia, last year in September. The agreement between Georgia and Mexico is a huge achievement during Ambassador’s reign in office.

During the meeting between the officials, Ambassador Gabunia stressed that the agreement is “a starting point to promote inter-institutional relations in the areas of culture and education.”

“There is a very important aspect that we have in common and that unites our countries: cultural greatness […] in our bilateral cooperation, in addition to political activities, our cooperation has achieved its best results in the educational and cultural fields,” he said.

Secretary Ebrard said the agreement was “the first binding document that we are going to sign […] on cooperation in education and culture; It will regulate the cooperation of both countries in this area”.
