France at tenth NPT Review Conference

France at the tenth NPT Review Conference

New York, 3 August 2022 (TDI): France reaffirmed Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as the cornerstone nuclear non-proliferation regime at the tenth NPT Review Conference hosted by the United Nations (UN) in New York.

During the Review Conference, France reaffirmed its continuous efforts toward the full implementation of all provisions of the NPT.

In addition to this, France highlighted its commitment to promoting international peace and security. Moreover, France recalled its enduring efforts to reduce nuclear risks under the Article VI of the NPT.

The Foreign Ministry of France highlighted that the Conference embodies collective support of the countries for the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

Also read: UK at the tenth NPT Review Conference

Nuclear Non-proliferation

The Director of the Directorate for Strategic Affairs, Security and Disarmament of the French Foreign Ministry, Philippe Bertoux, said that this year’s NPT Review Conference is held against a specific and serious backdrop, which is the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

“When a nuclear-weapon state engages in an armed conflict against a State that freely renounced the stationing of nuclear weapons in its territory, it is a major serious act that undermines international security”, the Director added.

Moreover, the Director said that they were counting on this conference to take forward the Treaty with three courses. These include; firstly working to resolve nuclear non-proliferation crises, particularly in Iran and North Korea.

Secondly, all the countries, as parties to the NPT should provide support to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Thirdly, the focus of the work should be on ensuring the safety and security of nuclear facilities.

Furthermore, Bertoux added that France is concerned about the security of the Ukrainian nuclear facilities in areas occupied by Russia.

Also read: US Secretary of State attends NPT Review Conference

Joint Statement

Moreover, at the Review Conference, France also released a ministerial joint statement with the UK and the USA. The joint statement affirmed the commitment of the three states to the objectives contained in the statement of 3 January 2022.

The statement of 3 January was related to the prevention of nuclear war, entitled “Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Race.”