Helsinki, 18 August 2022 (TDI): Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Pekka Haavisto, met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, Urmas Reinsalu, on Wednesday to exchange thoughts on Finland-Estonia bilateral and international issues.

Remarks of Foreign Minister of Estonia

Talking about the Russian Aggression in Ukraine, the Minister of Estonia, Urmas Reisalu, expressed his support for Ukraine, as well as in “raising the cost of aggression for Russia.”

Up till now, the Estonian people, government, and private sector have given over 20 million euros of humanitarian aid to Ukraine in total. Similarly, Finland has granted EUR 21 million in additional support to Ukraine following Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Out of this sum, EUR 9.2 million in humanitarian assistance will be delivered through the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Talking about granting visa applications to Russian citizens in EU countries, the Minister of Estonia said that “We must stop entry to the European Union for Russian nationals as long as Russia continues the war against Ukraine.”

Earlier this month, the Prime Minister of Estonia, Kaja Kallas gave a proposal to ban Russian Citizens’ entry to the EU member states.

Also Read: US approves NATO membership for Finland, Sweden

Finland-Estonia Bilateral Relations

The Republic of Finland recognized the Republic of Estonia in 1920 and diplomatic relations were restored on 29 August 1991. Both countries enjoy relations based on good economic, security, and goodwill cooperation.

Finland and Estonia are members of the European Union, the Schengen agreement, and the Eurozone. Finland has long been Estonia’s most important economic and trade partner. It has been one of the two biggest investors in the Estonian economy during the entire period of Estonian independence.

Moreover, Finland is also Estonia’s most important tourist destination.