Vienna, 29 September 2022 (TDI): The Foreign Minister of Argentina, Santiago Cafiero visited Austria to hold bilateral talks for strengthening diplomatic ties.

Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero met the Foreign Minister of Austria, Alexander Schallenberg to promote bilateral trade.

The discussion aimed to enhance investments in the renewable energy sector as well as in the industry of Argentinian wood.

The Foreign Ministers also focused on the aspect of strengthening trade between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

The development of ties between the CELAC and EU is considered important for region-to-region trade and to enhance Trans-Atlantic relations.

The Austrian Foreign Minister commented on the meeting and considered it important for state-to-state and region-to-region relations. Schallenberg added that both Austria and Argentina share joint values.

He further stated that both Vienna and Buenos Aires are working closely to promote human rights on the international level.

CELAC-EU Relations

The member states of both the CELAC and EU, including Austria and Argentina are working closely to develop strategic regional ties. Such ties are important for the integration of the Trans-Atlantic relationship through enhanced trade.

Also Read: Officials of EU and Uruguay hold a Meeting

The European Union and the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean States enjoy closer historical, cultural, and economic ties. Such relations on the bi-regional level were properly developed since 1999.

Several summits of the EU and CELAC we’re conducted since 1999 to enhance regional, sub-regional and state-to-state relations between Europe and the Americas.

Austria and Argentina are already working together in the joint field of research under the platform of the EU-CELAC Working Group on Research Infrastructures.

Argentina’s role in strengthening IAEA-CELAC ties

The Foreign Minister of Argentina visited Austria not only to develop region-to-region ties. But also developing commitments of the CELAC with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Argentinian Foreign Minister agreed on terms with Director General of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi. The cooperation between the CELAC and IAEA will be enhanced.

There was also the signing of the CELAC-IAEA Plan 2022/23 for cooperation in nuclear science and technology for peaceful purposes. This agreement will also help in developing nuclear infrastructure across Latin America.

Foreign Minister