First Tokyo International Law Seminar

First Tokyo International Law Seminar
First Tokyo International Law Seminar

Tokyo, 22 August 2023 (TDI): Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and the Japanese Society of International Law, organized the first Tokyo International Law Seminar.

The Seminar is being held at the United Nations University, Tokyo, with the support of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) from 21 to 24 August.

The first Tokyo International Law Seminar offers lessons from experienced researchers and practitioners in international law to strengthen the rule of law and human resources development in the field.

The seminar aimed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise among legal experts in Japan and the Indo-Pacific region.

Japanese Foreign Ministry organized the first Tokyo International Law Seminar based upon the Japan-AALCO Training Course on Public International Law.

The seminar is a concrete step towards the plan of Prime Minister Kishida Fumio for a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP)” in March.

The Asia Cup, a renowned international law moot court competition for students from all over the Asian countries, will go together with the seminar. Since 1999, the Asia Cup has been organized annually.

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Japanese Foreign Ministry expects the seminar to contribute to the promotion of peace through the rule of law by arranging a platform for the exchange of knowledge and establishing networks for the people related to the field of international law.

Opening Session

Japanese Foreign Minister Hayashi Yoshimasa spoke in a video message during the opening ceremony of the first Tokyo International Law Seminar on 21 August.

He highlighted Japan’s role in the ministerial open debate at the United Nations Security Council in January and the Hiroshima G7 Summit in May, suggesting the significance of a free and open international order founded on the principles of the rule of law.

He also stressed the importance of the seminar for providing a forum for lawyers from Japan and the Indo-Pacific region.