Helsinki, 6 December 2021 (TDI): Finland, a country with great significant history, celebrates Independence Day on the 6th of December 2021.

The nation’s National Day ceremony was scheduled on the 6th of December but because of COVID restriction, it suspended the parade for this year. President Sauli Niinisto shelved the Independence Day gala at the presidential Place.

The president of Finland, Sauli Niinisto congratulated the nation on National Day via Twitter.

Likewise, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland also congratulated the nation on its National Day via Twitter.

History of Finland
Prehistory (till 1323)

Since the ice age, people have been living in Finland along with water coastal. During the 12th-13th century, Finland was brought into power by the Roman pope by the crusaders and Catholic Churches had been extended across the country by Sweden.

Both, Sweden and Novgorod (Russia) were seeking control over the region. The scuffle ended after undersigning the Treaty of Noteborg, which led to the inauguration of the Catholic faith in western Finland and Orthodox in eastern faith, in 1323.

Sweden (1323-1809)

From 1809 to 1809, Finland remained a part of Sweden under the Treaty of Noteborg for 500 years. Both states shared western cultural heritage and history till 1809.

Duchy of Russia (1809-1917)

Russia captured Finland from Sweden in 1808-1809. Emperor of Russia granted its status as the duchy of Russia, Alexander I until the Russian Revolution happened. Russian ruler declared Helsinki city as the capital of Finland.

In World War I, Finland didn’t take part and Russia started screwing up its grip on Grand Duchy of Finland. Whereas in 1906, Finland granted its own parliament, and it held the election in 1907.

Finland declared its independence on 6 December 1917. Bolshevik government recognized Finland as an independent state on 31 December 1917. During the 1940s, one-tenth country’s area was reduced by surrendering the Petsamo area, a corridor to the ice-free Arctic, and Karelia to the USSR.

After Independence (1917-1945)

After independence, in the early years, the position of Finland was brittle and civil war erupted in the country. The civil war was fought between the Whites or government troops and Reds or labor movement.

Germany provided support to the White while the Reds received support from USSR. Because of the German support, the country was in a strong sphere of influence as USSR was a threat to Finland’s security.

Many right-wing and far-wing moments were peek in Finland in the 1330s. Nazi Government and USSR acknowledged the USSR’s sphere of influence on Finland.
In WWII, Finland took part in two wars in favor of Germany against the USSR and lost both. But USSR has never captured Finland again because the country was strong enough to defend its territory despite being a newly independent state.

Cold War Era (1945-1991)

The USSR and Finland undersigned an agreement for Mutual Cooperation and Assistance, Friendship where states are obliged to defend each other. During the cold war, Finland remained in the sphere of the USSR and formulated its domestic and foreign policy accordingly.

Finland as a European country (1991 till date)

At the end of the cold war, USSR collapsed, several small states got independence and Russia emerged. In the 1990s, Finland faced stagnation due to loan-based economic growth which caused unemployment and bankrupt.

In 1995, after five years of the worst period, it launched the most important company, Nokia in Finland which boosted its economy.
Finland was the first country to join the European Union and adopted its currency in 1995.

State and Government

Finland is a Republic country whose capital is Helsinki. It is split into a self-governed precinct and 19 Maakunnat and an autonomous region, Aland, each is governed by a council. The country is more divided into 300 local authorities.

The country has 1991’s amended constitution. It has a unicameral parliament and its members are elected for 4 years of tenure and president for 6 years, both lie in Legislative power. The president, cabinet, or Council of State enjoys executive power whereas, the president appoints the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Foreign wishes to Finland on its National Day

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria congratulated Finland on its National Day, via Twitter.

The government of the Republic of Lithuania via Twitter sends its warmest greetings to Finland on its National Day.

Moreover, the President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Johannesson, via Twitter, extended congratulations to Finland on its Independence Day.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan also congratulated Finland on its National Day, via Twitter.

Facts about Finland

Finland is a member of the United Nations since 1955. Finland’s government finances healthcare, social security, and high educational standard. The country has a GDP per capita of 47,500 euros.

Its major exports are chemicals, machinery, Electrotechnical goods, metal products, transport equipment, wood, and paper products. Main imports are energy, investments good, raw materials, and consumer goods.

In Finland, there is more than one religion including 68.7% Lutheran, 28.5% Unknown, 1.7% other, and 1.1% Orthodox.


finland national day