Naveed Hussain Mangi

Pakistan’s abundant natural resources have been a source of pride and opportunity for the country. From fertile agricultural land to vast mineral deposits, Pakistan is blessed with an array of resources that have the potential to drive economic growth and development.

Amongst these resources, pink salt stands out as a unique and valuable commodity. With the world’s second-largest salt range, Khewra Salt Mine, located in the foothills of the Himalayas, Pakistan produces over 300,000 tons of salt annually, making it one of the world’s top salt-producing countries. The country’s pink salt, in particular, has gained global popularity due to its unique taste and claimed health benefits. It contains over 84 minerals and trace elements, making it a popular ingredient in natural remedies and dietary supplements.

The Khewra Salt Mine, where much of Pakistan’s pink salt is sourced, has also become a popular tourist attraction. The mine features a range of stunning geological formations, such as stalactites and stalagmites. Visitors can participate in salt therapy sessions and salt cave explorations. The mine’s cultural and historical significance has also been recognized, with UNESCO declaring it a World Heritage site.

Pakistan is currently facing severe economic challenges due to long-standing structural weaknesses. The country’s economy is under severe stress with low growth, high inflation, unemployment, falling investment, excessive fiscal deficits, and a deteriorating balance of payments. Pakistan is experiencing one of its worst economic crises, with fiscal mismanagement being a significant problem.

The country’s economy is on the brink of collapse, and the rupee is plummeting. The government is taking measures to address these issues, such as seeking assistance from the International Monetary Fund and implementing economic reforms. However, it will take time to address the structural weaknesses in the economy and stabilize the country’s economic situation.

Pakistan’s pink salt industry can potentially contribute to economic growth and development. Still, it alone cannot solve the country’s deep-rooted economic issues. Pakistan is facing severe economic challenges, including low growth, high inflation, unemployment, falling investment, excessive fiscal deficits, and a deteriorating balance of payments.

To achieve economic stability, Pakistan needs comprehensive policies prioritizing sustainable economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. This includes implementing fiscal reforms, investing in infrastructure, encouraging business growth and skill development, and leveraging its strategic location for regional trade. While the pink salt industry can certainly contribute to Pakistan’s economy, the country needs good policies and effective implementation to achieve sustainable economic growth and development.

During the PTI administration, Senator Shibli Faraz estimated that Pakistan had earned only about $26 million last year; other officials say it’s about $50 million. In all cases, “it was being sold for a song,” Faraz said. He believed those figures could triple with reforms. Faraz is now advocating legislation to discourage crude salt sales and encourage the production of high-value finished products.

Pakistani politicians need to understand the value of this product that can earn them millions of dollars. Pink salt is a highly demanding product in Europe and North America, where people are willing to pay a premium for its unique taste and claimed health benefits. However, as mentioned earlier, Pakistan has not been able to fully capitalize on this potential revenue stream due to crude sales and a lack of value-added processing.

Pakistan could significantly boost earnings from the pink salt industry and provide a much-needed source of revenue to support the country’s economic development efforts. Ultimately, Pakistan’s economic growth and development require a comprehensive approach prioritizing good policies and their effective implementation, investment in infrastructure, skill development, and leveraging strategic partnerships for regional trade.

Pakistan’s pink salt industry certainly has the potential to contribute significantly to the country’s economy. With its unique taste and health benefits, pink salt has gained a considerable following in recent years, both as a culinary ingredient and a natural remedy. This growing demand has allowed Pakistani businesses to tap into a lucrative global market.

However, to fully capitalize on this opportunity, Pakistan must invest in developing its pink salt industry. This includes investing in modern extraction techniques and processing methods to increase the efficiency and quality of production. It also involves promoting the product’s unique characteristics and health benefits to international markets through marketing campaigns and trade fairs.

Moreover, developing the pink salt industry can also positively impact local communities. In particular, it can create new employment opportunities and generate income for small-scale miners and producers. This, in turn, can help to alleviate poverty in rural areas and improve the overall well-being of local communities.

In addition to the economic benefits, Pakistan’s pink salt industry has cultural and environmental significance. The Khewra Salt Mine, where much of the country’s pink salt is sourced, has been a part of Pakistan’s cultural heritage for centuries.

The mine’s stunning geological formations and unique pink salt deposits testify to the country’s rich natural resources and geological history. Moreover, developing sustainable extraction methods and practices can help minimize the environmental impact of salt mining in the region.

It is difficult to provide exact numbers on how much Pakistan can make by exporting pink salt as it depends on factors such as the global demand for pink salt, production capacity, quality of the salt, and market prices. However, Ahsan Zafar Bakhtawari, President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that Pakistan is the only producer of pink salt in the world and the government should cooperate with the private sector in value addition of this salt that would enable the country to earn billions of dollars through its exports around the world.

Pakistan can increase the value of its pink salt exports by producing high-quality products such as salt lamps and gourmet salt and targeting niche markets in Europe and the United States. Additionally, the report suggests that the government should invest in research and development to improve the quality and value of its pink salt products and support small and medium-sized enterprises to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in the pink salt industry.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s pink salt industry has immense potential to contribute to economic growth and development. However, it requires comprehensive policies prioritizing sustainable economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. This industry’s development can also positively impact local communities, preserve cultural heritage, and promote sustainable environmental practices. By investing in developing its pink salt industry, Pakistan can leverage its natural resources to drive economic growth, create employment opportunities, and improve the well-being of its people.


*Naveed Hussain Mangi is a student of International Relations pursuing a bachelor’s degree at the University of Karachi. His work has been published in both national and international media. 

**The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views or position of The Diplomatic Insight. The organization neither endorses nor takes responsibility for the content of this article and its accuracy.