Stockholm, 3 June 2022 (TDI): Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Inger Andersen, appreciated the development witnessed during the 50 years of the Stockholm +50 conference.

She said that many agreements are in place covering every environmental challenge. However, the practical results fall short.

Furthermore, she warned that inequity, injustice, and distress signals in the triple planetary crisis are hindering the progress in the practical approach.

Also, the UNEP Executive Director highlighted that the terrible consequences of insensitive carbon development are known by all the stakeholders.

In addition, she pointed out the scientific solutions to these issues. “Fair and just transformational changes in our economy, financial systems, lifestyles, and governance. And we know we need science to swing the needle to action on our moral compass,” she said.

Stockholm +50 Conference

In May 2021, a resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to bring the international environmental community together in Stockholm, Sweden.

The purpose of the conference was to initiate a significant international environmental conference on June 2 and 3 2022, during the week of World Environment Day. World Environment Day is observed on June 5.

Stockholm+50 conference is underway after five decades after the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. The affair will equip leaders with the prospect to draw on 50 years of multilateral environmental action for urgent action.