Brussels, 11 November 2021 (TDI): Joseph Borrell Fontelles plans for the restoration of democracy in Myanmar (Burma). The European Union will support the ASEAN regional powers to stop human rights violations and to find a sustainable solution.

High Representative of EU

As per the issued declaration as High Representative of European Union (EU), Joseph Borrell Fontanelles. The European Union condemns all the human rights violations in Myanmar and the attacks on civilians and people living in the rural areas of Chin state. The involvement of the military is unacceptable and the EU wants to ensure access to the affected areas.

Myanmar Coup

In the preceding year on November 08, 2020, the general public of the country used their rights to vote for the democratic government. However, on February 1st, 2021 the military establishment of the country declared an emergency and rolled back the democratic government. Later, through an announcement, they extended the state of emergency until August 2023; under the present military “caretaker government”.

Human Rights Violations

The massive violations of human rights in Burma, the socio-economic and human rights violations like torture; sexual abuse, and use of military force over civilians are unacceptable. The EU shows its support for ASEAN countries and their notable actions and engagements to resolve the crises in Myanmar. It aims to restore democracy and ensure a peaceful resolution that will create an acceptable sustainable economic environment.

Engagement with Cambodia

The EU looks forward to the close engagement with Cambodia as a premier role in this regard. It is optimistic about upcoming Asia –Europe Meeting (ASEM) on 24- 26 November.

In this regard, a joint statement has been issued on October 15, 2021, to support the ASEAN countries. The statement was issued by the Government of Australia, New Zealand, Norway, the Korean Republic, Timor Leste, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

EU supports ASEAN