Tirana, 25 November 2021 (TDI): Luigi Soreca, European Union Ambassador to Albania is on 16 days solidarity campaign to stop gender-based violence. Awareness to support the EU Culture, and to end gender-based violence is necessary.
European Union (EU) stands against gender-based violence. The world needs more efforts on violence against women and girls. Albania’s Historic Landmarks will be lit orange for awareness. The world observes International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, today.
United Against Violence
EU is joining the 16 days activity to end the violence on women and girls. The National Historical Museum of Albania and other landmarks of cultural heritage sites will be lit orange.
The campaign is about awareness against gender-based violence. The aim is to promote the European Culture and humanitarian aid work in Albania. The European Union has very clear policies about human rights.
Let’s all stand against gender-based violence!
Today, we are joining the #16Days of activism by turning orange🟠the National Historic Museum🇦🇱. The museum’s mosaic is being restored thanks to our #EU4Culture🇪🇺programme. More cultural heritage sites will turn🟠these days. #EndGBV pic.twitter.com/uFAxxkLYBe— EU in Albania (@EUinAlbania) November 25, 2021
Statistics on Gender-based Violence According to WHO Report
On gender-based violence, the available statistics are alarming. 1 out of 3 women faced violence. In March this year, World Health Organization (WHO) issued its report on gender-based violence.
The reports are about, physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner or from a non-partner are in big number. This explains the violent behavior remains largely unchanged over the past decade.
In gender-based violence younger women are at the highest risk. The most-reported age group is from 15 to 24 years.
The risk of women and girls based violence in Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa is highest. The ratio among the women aged from 15 to 49 is 33% to 51%. In Europe, the ratio of violence is satisfactory. The ratio is about women of 16 years age is 23%.
Gender-based violence is unacceptable in the world. It is the responsibility of respective governments to prevent violence. The priorities in policymaking and implementation can ensure success against violence and discrimination against women and girls.
EU supports the regional countries against gender-based violence. The efficiency of their governance system and rule of law are prioritized.
The international community, under the umbrella of the United Nations, needs to do more against gender-based violence. The 16 days campaign against gender-based violence will bring notable change.