Stockholm, 28 February 2023 (TDI): The European Union’s (EU) Ministers for Energy and Transport met in Stockholm to discuss future challenges of the energy market and transport policy.

Minister for Energy, Business, and Industry; Ebba Busch stated that Europe is facing acute energy supply challenges. He urged for combined efforts to focus on long-term strategies to develop and expand the common energy market.

Likewise, the Ministers for Energy discussed energy supply and beforehand preparation for the next cold season and beyond.

A joint session on energy and transport policy was held on 27th February. Future transport policy was also brought into the discussion to enable a competitive and climate-smart Europe.

The Minister for Infrastructure and Housing, Andreas Carlson emphasized the significance of green transition in the energy sector. He asserted that these sessions are imperative to exchange views on past and future energy policies

The meeting was concluded with a joint press conference by Busch, Carlson, European Commissioner for Energy; Kadri Simson, and European Commissioner for Transport; Adina Vălean who summarized the day’s sessions.

The joint press briefing stressed the need for an accelerated transition of the transport sector and a climate-neutral Europe.

The agenda for the second day again included a rigorous session on Energy and transport. Europe is aiming for a competitive and ambitious industrial sector for all member states.

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Furthermore, the session agreed on sharing best practices. As for the transport sector, the members also decided upon test-driving heavy-duty vehicles.

The new energy and transport policies align with the European Parliament’s resolution on Green Industrial Plan. The Green Deal Industrial Plan was introduced by European Parliament on 1st February 28, 2023.

The plan called for bolstering the EU’s industrial production and transition to renewable energy resources. The green transition of the energy and transport sector will be a step closer to carbon neutrality, which is a top priority of the European Parliament now.