Brussels, 3 June 2023 (TDI): In response to the recent violent acts against citizens, KFOR troops, law enforcement, and media in the north of Kosovo, the European Union (EU) has issued a strong condemnation. The EU emphasizes that the violence could have been avoided and must be prevented in the future.

The EU stands firmly behind NATO’s mission KFOR and the EU’s mission EULEX, recognizing their vital roles in fulfilling their respective mandates. In light of the escalating situation, the EU urges both Kosovo and Serbia to immediately and unconditionally take measures to de-escalate the tensions, refrain from using divisive rhetoric, and halt any further uncoordinated actions. Restoring calm is of utmost importance and needs to be addressed urgently.

The EU emphasizes its readiness to implement resolute measures, stating that failure to de-escalate the tensions will result in negative consequences. As such, the EU expects Kosovo to act in a non-escalator manner by suspending police operations in the vicinity of municipal buildings in the affected region.

Additionally, the mayors are urged to temporarily perform their duties in alternative premises. Furthermore, the EU calls for early elections to be announced promptly in all four municipalities, conducted in an inclusive manner that allows Kosovo Serbs to participate.

Also Read: Poland Strongly Condemns Attacks on NATO Troops in Kosovo

Expressing concern over the highest alert status of the Serbian Armed Forces, the EU calls upon both Kosovo and Serbia to act responsibly and immediately engage in the EU-facilitated Dialogue.

This dialogue is seen as crucial in finding a sustainable solution to the situation in the north of Kosovo, ensuring safety, security, and participatory democracy for all citizens. The EU emphasizes the need for the implementation of the Agreement on the Path to Normalization and its Annex, including the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities, without any further delay or precondition.

The EU’s statement underscores the urgency for all parties involved to prioritize dialogue and work towards a peaceful resolution. It reiterates the EU’s commitment to supporting Kosovo and Serbia in their pursuit of a lasting and mutually beneficial agreement that promotes stability, security, and respect for the rights of all citizens in the region.