Tallinn/Kyiv, 24 August 2022 (TDI): The President of Estonia, Alar Karis, on Tuesday, offered his full support to Ukraine against the Russian aggression at the 2nd summit of Crimea platform hosted by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

President Alar Karis emphasized his full support for Ukraine. In addition, he shared insight on how a long-lasting peace can be achieved in Europe.

The Crimea Platform is a new international consultation and coordination format set up to develop the initiative put forward by the President of Ukraine.

The platform organized an online event hosted by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on 23rd August, which aimed at improving the international response to the ongoing occupation of Crimea.

In addition to that, it aims at an effective response to growing security threats and human rights violations in Ukraine after the Russian aggression, especially the de-occupation of Crimea and its return to Ukraine.

Also Read: NATO Secretary-General voiced for Ukraine at Crimea Platform

Remarks of President, Alar Karis

In his statement, President Alar Karis said that Estonia will support Ukraine “as long as it takes to help win this war & restore Ukraine’s sovereignty & territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.”

Furthermore, he stressed justice and accountability to achieve long-lasting peace in Europe. “Putin & his administration must be held accountable for the crimes of aggression committed in Ukraine.

Serious consideration should be given to the establishment of an independent special court,” He said in his statement.

Talking about the security situation in Ukraine, he stressed accelerating the provision of military assistance to Ukraine.

Moreover, he also highlighted the importance of educating the youth to make a better future. “Future depends on the youth education.

We are made by history, must not repeat mistakes, and build a better future. Must evade misunderstandings caused by the active brainwash through the war of spreading the false propaganda.” He added.

Estonia’s support for Ukraine

Estonia has shown its unprecedented support to Ukraine on three important fronts; military, economic, and diplomatic in its war against Russia.

Estonian people, government, and private sector have given over 20 million euros of humanitarian aid to Ukraine in total. Likewise, Estonia has also accepted more than 40,000 Ukrainian refugees since May 24.


Student of International relations