ECOSOC Coordination Segment

ECOSOC Coordination Segment
ECOSOC Coordination Segment

New York, 3 February 2022 (TDI): The ECOSOC Coordination Segment will be held from February 3–4, 2022.

The annual topic of ECOSOC and the HLPF is “Building Back Better from Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) while supporting the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

The section will be chaired by Thailand’s Permanent Representative to ECOSOC, the Vice-President of ECOSOC.


The United Nations General Assembly established a new coordinating section in June 2021 as part of a series of steps to improve the Economic and Social Council.

The Council will be able to better execute its charter responsibility of coordinating the UN system and its subsidiary organizations in economic, social, health, environmental, and related sectors.

There will be a substitute for the Integration Segment, as well as an informal Council meeting with the heads of subsidiary organizations.

The new coordination segment will be used by member states to:

This will guide the Council system toward a more efficient and integrated process. Give forward-thinking policy guidance to promote consistency and direction in subsidiary organizations’ and specialized agencies’ policies and normative work related to the 2030 Agenda.

The new coordination segment will be used by member states to:
  • Give forward-thinking policy guidance to promote consistency and direction in subsidiary organizations’ and specialized agencies’ policies and normative work related to the 2030 Agenda.
  • Develop uniform action-oriented policy guidelines on all issues needing implementation or coordinating efforts.
  • Giving advice and coordination to subsidiary entities, guaranteeing a clearer division of labor among them, connecting their activity with the 2030 Agenda, and supporting their implementation of the previous year’s intergovernmental negotiated ministerial declaration.

ECOSOC is in charge of a vast ecosystem of economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and associated organizations. This category includes the Council’s subsidiary entities, such as its regional commissions, functional commissions, expert bodies, and associated bodies, as well as its funds, programs, and specialized agencies.

These bodies are guided and coordinated by the Council. In addition to coordinating the work of other UN agencies, the UNDP provides integrated policy guidance to the Member States on the coordination of the follow-up to UN conferences in the economic, social, and related fields, and it promotes a balanced integration of sustainable development in all three dimensions. As a result, it has an impact on many UN operations relating to sustainable development.