Wellington, 30 July 2022 (TDI): Alok Sharma, President of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) met with Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, on Friday.

The leaders discussed the Newzealands’ implementation of COP 26 commitments and opportunities for working together on climate finance.

Moreover, the COP 26 President also had a virtual meeting with New Zealand’s Climate Change Commission officials.

On Thursday, Alok Sharma also met with Members of New Zealand’s Parliament, including James Shaw, Damien O’Conner, David Parker, and Marama Davidson.

UK-New Zealand Relations

The United Kingdom and New Zealand maintain close security and intelligence partnership. They have agreed to a joint statement on strengthening defense cooperation among both states.

Besides this, on July 1, 2022, Prime Ministers of the UK and New Zealand, Boris Johnson and Jacinda Ardern, met in London. They signed an arrangement for further cooperation in science, research, and innovation activities.

New Zealand’s Prime Minister remarked:

“New Zealand and the UK have a celebrated history of scientific collaboration, from Sir Ernest Rutherford traveling from Nelson to Cambridge to usher in a new era of physics, to New Zealand company Rocket Lab launching microsatellites made by Scottish manufacturer Alba Orbital into space.

Our new research, science, and innovation arrangement will enable us to explore further opportunities to work together on some of the biggest science and innovation challenges facing the world today”.

Moreover, in October 2016, both states launched a bilateral trade policy dialogue. Annual meetings of this dialogue are held between the UK and NZ’s leaders to discuss trade issues and further strengthen cooperation.

The UK is one of the largest trading partners of New Zealand. In February 2022, the UK signed a free trade agreement (FTA) with New Zealand.

Apart from this New Zealand and the UK have signed a reciprocal health agreement which is in force since 1982. Both states are also signatories to a bilateral social security agreement that includes pensions and benefits for citizens.

New Zealand

Senior year student of International Relations at Kinnaird College.