Islamabad, 28 May 2022 (TDI): Dr. Darkhan Kydyrali, President of the International Turkic Academy, awarded a gold medal to Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary, Coordinator-General, COMSTECH.

This was on the occasion of the international “Al-Farabi–Iqbal” event held in Almaty, Kazakhstan from May 26-27.

The Turkic Academy’s president announced that Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary would receive its coveted “Gold Medal” for his remarkable contributions to the promotion of cooperation in the Turkic world.

Dr Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary:

Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary is a Pakistani organic chemist. He is currently serving as the Coordinator-General of COMSTECH

Prof. Choudhary is a world-renowned medicinal chemist. He has 1,175 research publications in international journals in the domains of organic and bioorganic chemistry.

Additionally, he also has 76 books and 40 book chapters published by the major US and European presses. So far, he has obtained 40 US patents.

Moreover, Dr. Choudhary’s work has been referenced 30,000 times by researchers all around the world, and his h-index is 70. Under his tutelage, 98 national and foreign researchers have obtained their Ph.D. degrees.

Furthermore, Dr. Choudhary holds the degrees of D.Sc., Ph.D., and C. Chem.

He has received the Hilal-e-Imtiaz, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, and Tamgha-e-Imtiaz awards from several Pakistani administrations.

He also received the Mustafa PBUH Award, the ECO Award, the Khawarzimi Award, the COMSTECH Award, the TWAS Young Scientist Award, and the Prof. Abdus Salam Award.


The Third Islamic Summit of the OIC, convened in KSA in January 1981, created COMSTECH, the OIC’s Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation. COMSTECH is chaired by the President of Pakistan.

COMSTECH’s fundamental imperative is to increase collaboration among the OIC Member States in science and technology (S&T) and optimize their operations.

Accordingly, it aims to do so by training in emerging sectors, performing follow-up actions and executing OIC decisions, and developing plans and recommending measures to increase the functionality of Muslim nations in science and technology (S&T).

Therefore, the ultimate goal is to create and sustain a scientific culture and use science and technology as key contributors to socio-economic growth.


Aiman Iqbal is the Managing Editor at the Journal of Peace and Diplomacy published by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies (IPDS), and the Assistant Editor of The Diplomatic Insight magazine. She holds an MPhil in International Relations. She can be reached at