Bogota, 13 September 2022 (TDI): The government of Colombia sent its officials to participate in the platform of the South-South Galaxy. The Colombia government announced that they will continue the practices for achieving the aims of the Orange Economy.

The Global Exhibition for South-South Cooperation’s Development was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Alternate Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations, Sonia Pereira spoke at the conference and shared the perspectives of Colombia over the South-South Cooperation.

Sonia Pereira added that the South-South Cooperation ensures opportunities for the states and communities of the Global South. She said that the Global South should pass through the process of rethinking.

There should be rebuilding economies for a sustainable future. Sonia Pereira also added that talented people along with the requirement of innovative ideas and technologies are important for achieving the vision of a sustainable future.

She also added that the South-South Cooperation along with the Triangular Cooperation of different regions of the Global South will play a fundamental role. This form of role in the recovery of damages to the environment and sustaining the availability of the existing resources.

Sonia Pereira said that effective alliances, mobilizing resources, and promotion of mutual knowledge under the context of the South-South Cooperation.

Source of SDGs 2030

There was also stressing on the point that the Triangular Cooperation not only encourages the North-South Cooperation. Pereira said that Triangular Cooperation enhances South-South Cooperation and achieves the aims of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2030.

The Official of Colombia stressed the already engagement in achieving the SDGs of 2030. Sonia Pereira also stressed that Colombia requests international cooperation in achieving the agendas of the SDGs 2030.

Orange Economy and Colombia

Colombia considered the measures of the Orange Economy as a vital source for South-South cooperation. The Orange Economy is determined as the bringing of different sectors together for sustainable development and promoting cultural and artistic values at the same time.

The initiative encourages industries to coordinate and transform ideas into cultural aspects for creative goods and services.

The Orange Economy had proven to be a vital source for the economic development of Colombia. The source adds that Colombia earned US$ 8.2 billion in 2017 from the sources of Orange Economy and Cultural field.

Colombia is also encouraging other states to follow similar suit inside the regions of the Caribbean, Latin America, and other areas of the Global South.

Therefore, Colombia is willing to cooperate in Africa and the Caribbean to work on 16 different technical programs.

Also Read: Commander of US SOUTHCOM visits Colombia


Colombia South