Bogota, 6 September 2022 (TDI): The commander of US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), General Laura Richardson visited Colombia, along with other US military officials.

During the visit, she met the leading military, governmental and administrative figures of the Colombian state.

The Commander of SOUTHCOM discussed the already long partnership of the US with Colombia. General Richardson emphasized expanding the security cooperation between the two sides. S

The two sides further highlighted the 200 years of the bilateral relationship between Bogota and Washington, D.C.

Moreover, the Commander of SOUTHCOM, General Richardson met the Defense Minister of Colombia, Ivan Velasquez.  The aspects of security partnership were focused on in the meeting.

Further, the General Commander of the Colombian Military Forces, General Helder Giraldo was also present at the meeting.

In the meeting with the military and defense officials of Colombia, the US General stressed that SOUTHCOM requires a strengthened partnership with Colombia.

General Richardson and the Colombian Defense Minister, I. Velasquez focused on securing the communities and protecting territories together.

In addition, the Colombian officials also assured that there will be cooperation with the United States on gender equality and women, peace, and security.

Further, it was assured that the United States will send a Comfort Hospital ship to Colombia. It will provide health facilities and well-being to the inhabitants of Cartagena, Colombia.

Also Read: US expands defense cooperation with Suriname

US-Columbia security relations

The cooperation between the United States and Colombia remained in both traditional and non-traditional security domains.

As per the source of the US Department of State, the US provided economic, diplomatic, and security assistance to Colombia in its conflict against the “Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)”.

Moreover, Colombia and the United States had participated in the war against drugs and had designated common international groups as terrorist organizations.

The US supported the armed forces and law enforcement and provided advanced weapon training in the fight against drug mafias.