Ottawa, 30 August 2023 (TDI): The government officials of Canada and Ukrainian government representatives met last Friday to discuss the establishment of a long-term security agreement between the two states.

During the meeting, the Canadian officials reaffirmed their dedication to utilizing every possible means to support Ukraine in protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

These negotiations will be added to the ongoing partnership efforts between Canada and Ukraine in significant areas. They will serve as a means to form a long-term and sustainable bilateral cooperation between the two states.

Additionally, it will build Ukraine’s sustainable defense against Russian invasion or aggression presently and in the future by boosting Ukraine’s economy and resilience.

Moreover, the two countries will also work on additional technical and financial support to highlight Ukraine’s immediate needs.

By implementing vital governance reforms like law enforcement, the judiciary, anti-corruption efforts, corporate governance, the economy, and the security sector.

These reforms are important for progressing Ukraine’s desire for closer relations with the Euro-Atlantic community.

After the NATO summit in July, Canada along with its allies gave their approval for a G7 joint statement in support of Ukraine.

Also Read: Canada expands sanctions against Russian Military 

Canada is the third G7 member state to form bilateral relations with Ukraine based on the G7 joint declaration principles.

Furthermore, Canada along with its allies has pledged to remain united in supporting Ukraine and its people in their struggle against Russian aggression for as long as it takes.

G7 Joint Declaration:

On July 12, 2023, the G7 member states released a joint statement announcing their support for Ukraine against Russian aggression.

This declaration consists of several principles which G7 member states have to follow in their support for Ukraine.

These three principles include forming bilateral and long-term relations with Ukraine in terms of enhancing Ukraine’s defense capabilities, boosting its economy through crucial governance reforms, and providing technical or financial support to Ukraine.